Tears are Misunderstood Laughters

When head heeds emptiness
like strings of vibratory feelings crossing 
the [PATH] of emotional tantrums-
you see, for the first time how the ego plays 
the songs of desire. This here (this thing) 
is the cradle of hope. 

A fierce stationary junction 
where 'your existence' remains unknown. 
Where you can't find authenticity. 
Where you see stupidity crawling inside your spines. 
Where you are halfway alive, halfway dead. 
This is the palace of melancholia. 
Here, you mourn your untimely death. 

Some many of 'once upon a time' has passed here.
So many times, you have died a death 
not meant for you. 

This might sound as a dismal theme,
a dreadful humour engraved inside a shell of tragedy. 
where humanity is a pretentious whore, 
and humans are depressed to the very core-

there I shall ask him, 
if this is where he belongs?
or does he have a choice?

Read a book or two, read Kierkegaard
he would make a little sense to you, because as you-
he knows tears are misunderstood laughters,
that way no stains remain in your soul,
you feel cleanly incomplete, touched yet untouched
exhausted yet new, yes, that way you can
dream a dream and know it will
never ever come true, this would be your
delirious new energy lingering like the
midsummer desire to be left alone.
In your aloneness.
Raped &

That is the fate,
this planet has to live with. Because
she gets raped everyday and
every moment, and no one really
seems to care.

That is your fate too,
but since you are a slave of the branded world
you don't really seem to care, about her
or about you.


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