
Showing posts from August, 2013

Hamlet Cries !

I trade thy soul in grieved rage; in notes of despair of thy shade ! Flatter her with blood of thy breath,  madness, your'st thirst dream as grand-sire ! Come hither, she whispers in candles; no less king, you are with her sore kisses ! Therein, find of those bitter lost glory, wretches heartbeat of dead temple story ! Miseries plague's thy soul for she is hell, credulous fool shall bid poison in farewell ! Venus, has escaped this morning sky, swell'd shrine- wiving thy death, upon time: she cries ! 

dragons flowering

those wonderful twinkling steps, never before taken into life's mist, they were there not to be there; ahead into the skyline of downfall, darkness opens its clothes to light, shelter her soul to universe ethereal ; he walks without steps into her being, there, here & everywhere as clusters, make birds swim as dragons flowering; now offshore !

Mind, the auto Machine!

the automatic robot computing  mind,  as explosion of the emotional rambling,  hermetic free ways crashed extracting,  injecting consciousness into the being, double up the molecules for adapting,  the perception toward a reality tunnel,  fly away from flight of minds to muddle,  struggle the way out of body to sphere,  reflecting paradox into civilized souvenir,  position that treats mind as a book store, alteration to the methodological offshore,  violins counter pointing the melody lure,  protest of polygamous frames to explore,  debit as you credit the credit as the debit,  go on; describe the clarity that embellished   !

'The Poetry of Mad Poet'

tring-tring, .. .. .. .. .. .. tring-tring a myth of a telepathic phone call, revelation; of emotion as images,  meanings described by miracles,  inspiration bringing love integrals,  eyes in blind paintings withdrawal,  cosmic access to events immoral,  slopes of mountain dancing wave,  could you please stop your thoughts,  and go by the side of feeding tigers,  dimensions feeds dimensions wired,  the void of non void emptiness heir, psychotic nouns to verbs sings aloud,   this empty passing by moment clouds,  re-examine those thoughts that think,  of the life farming the farms that links,  you are continuous to the universe,  curvature of sense beyond the birth !

Sexier Neuroscience

brain cells counting on billions, yet fixed, and said to be declining overtime in swift; but, even in these family of  gigantic neurons, there are those free-willed flying heroes, stem cell, this brilliant individual, forgotten overtime, can renew those lost neuron and re-assign, space-less time frames guided in mystery, continuous re-wiring of these life synergies; a fixed state of unfixed dimension process, a living experience in dynamic anastomosis, a flux, flowing into reality of individual perception, my lovely Alice in her wonderland in inception, universal neural signal shaping life in forms, a swiftly altering consciousness in atom storms !

The Mysteries of Spells and Affairs !

just take it back to those non-expeditionary words,  the door's open from inside as you turn her curves,  paved in ways to explain the mysteries of her heart,  getting back to the palace of thousand life on spot !  Mr, Moriarty,  is it you getting back to her life escorting her discard,  mind me not, if she is nude in her loudness of regard,  those nose touching her navel bombarded with a knot,  mind me not, if her clothes exposes eyes that dodge ! Mr Holmes,  life is as much down there in your pants, alike all-where,  did you listen to her friends touching varied location bare,  those eyes scratching her hairlines in bids to love & care,  down she goes to those filthy human layers that you spare ! bring back again her memories of priceless vaults hereof ,  a cup of tea between her legs and sugar falling from above,  swerve those fat painted in blue and black lipstick in affair,  escalation of h