
Showing posts from September, 2014

Immortal Orgasm: Birth of all Philosophies !

the virtue of contemplation cannot measure the disinterested truth for slavery of mind is the inferiority of the created self   this metaphysics, this theory of knowledge  is the bitter combination of numbers and shapes squares and cubes of dual and non dual lovers this tale of shapeshifter lovers,  obstruct chemical expansion  heating up with puzzling breasts and leading to the philosophical buttuocks   for the faint moment, 'lovers'- feel the transmigration of soul offshoot of outer world  euphoria of inner world  her 'natural flowers' brings forth the peculiar intellectual threads  a turbid medium of drinking from the vine  the divine source of creation  which, for some might be a sin,  for some might be an art the spectator within is just an illusion,  dancing between the cross-border  of religion and reason, bringing forth:  'the sphere of thoug...

Ignorance is Imprisonment !

if 'I' ignites idyllic implosions imploring iceblink ickle 'iconosm' irrelevant ilke infinity illimitable I'ness illuminism  in irrite 'isness' 'I' imitates introspection   impregnating interpolation  illusory impostors  ignorance is imprisonment  in inimical insurgence  immovable identical imitators  'I' is impermanence illuminating in impossibilities  interstellar iso-chemicals  inserting imaginations immediateness 'I'ness' is intercommunion  inbetween inscrutable 'I-stratas'  improbable iconism  in-which, ignorance is imprisonment  ignition is illumination ! Photo Credit:

Satan's Solacious Shoeprint

she stands straight,  submerged sanative satan's saltire solacious shoeprints samel sounds  sangfroid sanctiloquent  sanguine sighs  scolograptic steps (shoeprints) synchronous sleeps  scopic sweater'puppies serving sweater'muffins  superfluous subliminal subjugation  sweet' salty strawberries  semilunate septum  solacious shoeprints skinprints  sacrilegious smiles symmetrical singers   saddlebags submission  satisfactions songs  salacious skin  scintillant satan  sexual submission spontaneous syntagm  satanic synod space surfers  satan's solacious shoeprint sophist self  super solitude  sweet' salty strawberries sweater'puppies serving sweater'muffins  seductive skinprints  surfeit smiles  Photo Credit:

Hypnotic Him, Hypnotising Her !!

heavenly hearts  high hallucinations hollow heartstrings hakenkreuz heavy halation hamate heartbeats  hamshackle  her'rear, her hips, her'haunches  hyper hypnotic  hairy home  (hair-pie) he high, he hysterically high  hypnagogic her his hyperbole hurtling  hyonomancy  hypnoid  her hastate heart haurient  human hypural heaven  hankering hypolimnion (hullabaloo) (hissss) hyperborean human  hymnody hearts hylarchic hymns  hovering hovel  her heartbeats  hwyl  hipped hammered  his hard-on handcuffed hearts  her hatstand hips headtrip (hellbells) hypnotic him hypnotising her !!

Genetic Gods, Gloating Goddesses !!

genetic gods  genuflecting geeks  genuine glitches  G-Spots goofy gullible girls glebous genes  groomed gods grinding galaxies  grooves  gratifying groovy galliard  glittering genes  graphic greetings  gyrovague gypsies  gynotikolobomassophilia genetic gyrus  god's girth genetic grimgribber gnostic gloomy goblins glum gestures gardening god's graveyards  gesticulating genetic godheads  generalizing genuine groans  genetic gods  genuflecting geeks  genuine glitches  galvanized genetic G-Spots god's groans  gloating gorgeous goddesses !

A seeker, must knock at the door of Zeus !

Zeus, as the universe, is the construct. The basic carpentry of the creation. He is the play, he is the drama, he is the illusion. The Vedic sense of Karma, and the Greek sense of Drama are identical. Hence he is the supreme Maya. He is the organism, the basic body, the kundalini. He as the Avalokiteshwar closes his eyes, to play as the 'self', that we are playing right now. A continuous and constant hide and seek. A mystical game of knowing and not knowing. The night sky is his past. Our eyes his present. And our exploration his future. Carl Sagan once quoted that the 'Telescope's are time machines'. In that sense our eyes are time machine. We create, we live. We project our own nature to the universe. Zeus is the Brahman. Veda's state, 'Sarwam Khalvidam Brahman', which means that everything that exists is the Brahman. Pythagoras of Samos, hence introduced the discipline of Self Remembering to his students. A continuous effort of uncoveri...

Thau Both One !

One mirror,  infinite faces,  perfect & pervading,  containing soul containing god,  impregnating universe him and his  to essence of hers god in god,  nothing more  nothing less,  travelling roadless,  she who loves him,  he who loves her,  thau both one,  one mirror,  infinite faces, Nirvana ! Photo Credit:

Endless Characters

For, I am just an endless character,  so many roots,  so many branches,  but one tree.  You and I,  we are connected to those roots.  That wilderness,  that lucidity.  Projection and perception.  Faceless. Photo Credit:

Faceless Fathers !!

faceless forms fibonacci fractions frail faces fighting fools  flat funky flukes  facinorous first father faint faqirs filmy fuckers  f*ckMcMuffins  fallible fathers  following fables  fabricated faceoff  flirting forces  (fur) (fur) (fur) (fur) faltered faces  feckless  father's father faces  front fumbles factoring flintlocks  fired fairies  fleshless faces filtered  feeling fields  floating fishes  fathering fireballs  flashes fueled  flooding fumes  firefighters  fighting faceless father  fin !!

Esoteric Expedition: Endless Exists, Exitless Ends !

esoteric expedition  encircling ethereal enigma  erotic epos- elemental eccentric embodiment euphobic eyes  existential ephemeral epiphany  eviternal eversion euphoric expedition evolving eupathy- ending essential enoptromancy  exuberant epiphany emicating éclaircissement esoteric expulsion  entrancing exceptional  expedition  embryonic eclaircise  electric exodus: ecstatic equitable equation  emberlucock ennui etheric expansion  esoteric errors- erasing ephemeral expedition exploring existential essence  entertaining empirical  eikonological expedition  effulgent eruption  esoteric encapsulation endless expedition endless exists exitless ends

Entangled in Quantum Space

Humans are like paper planes the void of deep blue sky wrapping Earth like plastic bags where they fly and listen to the songs of life. I don't need earplugs Universe is enoughly plugged in into me and into her heart heart beats, pumping up the spaces for neurons to explode She and I, we are entangled in quantum space this is what poets call  'love' unwrapping the atmosphere in Zen Beats created by the mixture of air, the bees and humming bird. And I know, every blink of light and heat, follows infinitude of dark and cold her eyes twinkling this moment lightning up like all those stars sometime floods my being with constant rainfall from her eyes but thats beautiful because the forest grows as she cries only tears shows the beauty of rainbow, the beauty of light. You see, there is no, Ying and Yang; there is only Ying Yang, thats the tao of life the great act of playfulness of hope and hopelessness its a...