Her magnetic anatomy !!

I get blur and blind, to her purity within,
the magnificent curve, giving butterflies within!

the power of her smell getting me in routines,
her slightest touch leading me to ecstatic soothing!

her lips, as if as the kinetic fusion of the sun and the wind,
as they touch my soul, i get fused in her entire being!

the rapid flow of her universal source,
catching me to the emptiness floor !

this love affair is a peculiar one,
leading the contraction of all heavens known to man!

my neurons seems to be expanding,
beyond my body into her being !

I can see what she can see,
i can feel what see can feel !

But as i am a comedian, the joker,
i laugh at this physicality trying to sober !

How can this body feel her soul,
the soul crashes with soul, there is nothing to roll !

I knew not what love was,
as she came by love was in my heart,
slowly it faded away,
no body, no heart, remain
even one universal soul vanished away !!  



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