Every solution has a problem and every problem is a solution in itself. The solution is always there, the solution exits everywhere, wherever you are, and wherever you go you can always witness a solution. Solution is a constant but the problems are different. The problems are not the important part, the important part isthe solution. You consist of solution, you always did and you will always be a part of solution but you are unaware about this so you are always against the problems. You follow the track of problems. You follow the track of confusion to get out of confusion. That is the reason why life is confusion for almost all of the people in the world . Let us take an example, let’s consider sky as the solution and you are searching for sky looking toward the ground (which is a problem). This is the situation of the world we are living in.

  World always revolves around the ground of solution.  Solution has always been there but we don’t realize this expand of world and ultimately the universe. Solution is the part of us but we always run after problems so we always have problems in life and then life then turns out to be a problem itself. But in reality we are not problems, we are the biggest solution of the ever expanding universe.
But for our bad luck, we have turned to be the biggest scavenger of problems, not the seeker of the solution. Only few people in the world are the seeker of the solution. And they make our life beautiful. They expand the dimensions of the life and they lead our life toward lightness.

   Solution is the outcome of problem as understood in the world but in my personal view problem is the outcome of solution. Solution always exists. Solution is always there that is why we search for it, creating the problems. We give birth to our problems knowing that the solution exits. And as I feel, this is the only truth and the constant. Solution waits within, solution is introvert, solution is our wisdom and our birth right but the problem is outside, problem is extrovert. Solution has always been there from the start of the time and it will always exist till the end. This is why spirituality is superior to science. Spirituality is the part of solutions, it’s the universal constant and science is the part of problem, it has always been. Problem is the Part of solution that is why I feel science is also spiritual. Scientists are yogis, the only point that they lack is the understanding of wholeness. They lack the understanding of infinite dimensions which Upanishad states as BRAHAMA. Science ultimately is searching for this ultimate wholeness but in a cup of tea and when they understand the mechanism of this tea cup they move toward a bigger tea cup and then a bowl and then something else. This is why the solution generated by science change with the change in time and situation. But spirituality leads to the ultimate solution, the ultimate wholeness. As stated in our eastern philosophical books / spiritual books having the history over 5000 years, we have the statements that people from distant place could talk to each other by the means of the realization of this wholeness. Which I believe is the same source of energy working as telephones, cell phones or internet. The only difference is that the method is different today.

  Now it’s up to us what we want to choose either the problem or the solution. We want go after problem and become a scavenger or follow the steps moving toward the solution and be the seeker of the ultimate solution. The choice is ours and it has got nothing to do with others. It’s us. We only have to understand that we are the part of solutions not the problems.


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