A seeker's letter of unconditional reminder !

My dearmost,

Remember you are the aperture. You ignite light. You ignite the world. Yet, in the momentary illusion of matter and mass, you are lost in yourself. A crude sense of ego. You are lost in the subjective, which is the objective.

I ask you, to de-focus from your vantage point and submerge in the existential atmosphere for a while. Go on vignetting, and vanish for a while. Just taste the reflection of that which is the universe. You would see, you evoke existence. And existence evoke's you. Einstein was certainly right, its relative.

Leave the thin line of projection of this beautiful distortion. Its just a mirage. Its just the illusion. Don't fall in this trap. Though its easy that way. You might be drawn toward the easiness. Just remember, your transcendence- is your evolution. If it was not so, life would not exist. Life as we know it, would just be star dust.

I ask you to go beyond spectrum and eyes. And look at that which cannot absolutely be comprehended by eyes. See without the vision. And just be.

There, and all-where. Here and no-where. You exist. Meet me there. Where there is no distinction of you and me, there is no I, at all. Meet me there.

But then I would not be, neither would you be. But love would be, unconditionally.

Love !


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