A Human is but a Human !

This man's world-
knows no discrimination 
all it matters is You, 
all You's 
in all colors and flowers 
hairs curly or straight 
from Africa or Argentina 
Ireland or China !

This man's world-
is founded on freedom 
either Christian 
or Muslim 
Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh 
everyone is equal
this man's world respects 
your individual decisions 
the only requirement is
a human is but a human !

This man's world-
respects life
as it comes by, 
either bi, homo, or hetro
life is after-all life
so, this man has only one moto
of spreading love 
and spreading the beauty unconditional life !

This man's world
en-grooves the universe 
from tiny baby feet's 
to giants whales made with every precision 
this man's world dances 
in every season 
but this man's world for most humans seems to be
too hypothetical !

This man's world 
is turned down, pushed and pulled 
in all directions 
in greed of wealth circulation 
to games of powers 
this man's world is attacked 
in his every decision !

This man's world 
know's no idiotic equilibrium 
defining peace 
when a brother kill's brother 
this man's world 
is not a puppet of corruption !

This Man's world
with all conspiracies of easy submissions
stands strong and firm 
and walks only with illumination 
this man's world 
knows no discrimination, 
all that is known is 
peace in unconditional creation !!


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