Bonfire Blues !!

born baffled, being baleful
barbaric barate boy:
bonfire beckoning
benthic blates, blended by bombus boys

backpackers betwixt beelzebub's blues-
bemused boys blare
backstabbing brothers, banished brides
by balletically blooping be'here

blasphemous blues
bejeweled befuddling boys
blessed by bonfire backhauls
blazing bonfire blazed
bewildered by beelzebub's blues

because 'bee' boy belittles the beatles
by bonfire' ballad's belliferous blunders
bombardment by broods
being bogus bohemian breaths

born baffled,
being baleful
breathing beautifully
bonfires blues
bonfire blissful blues

born baffled
being blissful !!


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