You might not have heard of the ancient Greek symbol called 'Ouroboros'. But you should, because it is one of the most fascinating symbol. The Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning 'tail devourer,' and is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. It can be perceived as enveloping itself, where the past (the tail) appears to disappear but really moves into an inner domain or reality, vanishing from view but still existing. Alchemical Symbol of Ouroboros Ouroboros is generally depicted as a Serpent or a Dragon biting its own tail. The first recorded history of such symbol is in Egypt at around 1600 BCE in the texts called Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld. The symbol moved from Egyptians to Phoenicians and finally to Greeks. Where the symbol got its name OUROBOROS. The symbol and the myth regarding the symbol is famous all over the world. In the Norse mythology its called Jormungandr. And in the Hindu mythology its related to the Kundalini Jagara...
Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher of Ephesus. He is possibly the first Greek philosopher to explain the unity in all experience. And how change is the only constant in the universe. Heraclitus is also sometime known as the Philosopher of Riddles. For many people don't understand him. Heraclitus introduced the world with the word 'Logos', which means that 'all things are one in some sense'. Even the opposites are needed for the occurrence of action. Heraclitus explained that change is the core of all things. And within the changing framework lies the unity of opposites. Heraclitus by unknown artist Osho in the book Hidden Harmony praises Heraclitus as the greatest Buddha of the world. He says, Heraclitus is one of the greatest Buddhas of the world. In western philosophy his name is not part of the mainstream. The mainstream consists of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, Moore. Heraclitus is somethin...
In Sanskrit, Fire is referred to as Agni. It connotes the essence of nature, the primordial power that consumes, transforms and conveys. It is one of the five constitutive substance 'Mahabhuta'. There are more than a thousand different types of fire mentioned in the Vedas. From the fire in our stomach to the fire in the energetic saps concealed within plants. That is the secret of fire in Alchemy. Every alchemical process uses different fire. But there is one particular type of fire which is revered as the highest form of fire. And it is called 'the Philosophical Fire'. The Philosophical Fire is the most uniform, a continous form of fire. It is not derived from matter. But it participates in the nature of Sulphur. The spirit is mentioned as Sulphur (sulfer) in Alchemy. It dissolves, congeals and calcines all. It has a certain personality when invoked. It is humid vapourous, altering, digesting, penetrating, subtle and aerial. It is not violent, it doesn't burn,...