We are Pandora in disguise !!

Pandora is possibly the
most mysterious of all characters
in the Greek mythology.

Hephaestus, by the order of Zeus
created Pandora out of earth and water.

Sort of life evolving
in the Darwinian theory.

Pandora was gifted by the gods.
Aphrodite bestowed her beauty.
Apollo gave her the musical abilities,
Athena wrapped her with best
clothes and Hermes gave her
the power of speech. Pandora
was complete.

Pandora was real and authentic.

Zeus gifted Pandora a box.
A box that could penetrate the reality
of fear and love.

For Zeus, it was a box to test humanity.

Zeus told Pandora never to open it.
But she couldn't not open it. She was gifted
curiosity by the gods.

And when she did,
all the world was flooded with
disappointment and horror.

But at the bottom of the box was Elpis,
the spirit of hope. And because of
that one thing. That spirit of hope,
humanity survived the test. They grew stronger.

I feel, love is the spirit of hope.
Love is the tree that flowers as hope.

Hope is not expectation.
Hope is life. Hope is consciousness.
Hope is the movement of stars.
Hope is love in its seed.

Life is a profound crystallization of consciousness in matter.
And matter in the exploration of life. Its a cycle.
Life is the Pandora's box. A jump in the infinitude of alive
possibilities that forms the fabric of all that is known as existence.
The dance which is the enormous privilege and adventure.

You and I,
we are the spirit of hope,
the flowering of love.

We are Pandora in disguise.
And we will survive all
the tests gifted by life.

You and I,
we are the cosmic event
that materialized the
intelligence of


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