Breath: What are we made of, if not dreams and star-dust.
The brain has more than
two hundred trillion neural connections-
connecting the dots of moments
to the fabric of reality.
The frontier of every moment
is the actualization of experience.
And we as beings,
enter the uncharted territory
of organic consciousness in
inorganic sophistication. Which is,
Connected by one thread
and one thread alone.
To breath.
To breath is to live.
The continuous process of infinite
expansion and contraction.
And everything in-between.
Birth and death as I see it are not
two phenomenons. They are the mitosis
of singularity, exploring the possibilities.
They are the breath of universe,
expanding and contracting.
What are we made of, if not
dreams and star-dust. We are the
neurons of breathing universe.
And each neuron
is conscious and alive.
So breath my love, BREATH.