Raving Inside Your Head !

Naturally, I can place various images in your head.
Dolphins. Cats. Batman. First love. Sex. Mountains. Stars.
Best friend. Mother. Cats again.

You see, we together can rave inside our heads,
we can portray an imagination that can lead us to
the mysteries of universe.

We can time travel.
We can warp black holes in the
very fabric of our neurons.

We can immortalize ourselves by the very
gesture of thinking. We can pinpoint poetry to the
elementary foundation of rudimentary atoms.
We can become atomic reactors synchronizing,
exploding and expounding the
morphic fields of our resonant being,
and in doing so 'we evolve'.

We are the constant evolution of imagination.

We can take screenshots of our reality and merge them
together to direct a film called life. We are life bearers.
We are light bearers. We carry the torch of inertia,
of thermodynamics and of the ultimate gods.
Of pandora's box. Of Egyptian, Babylonian, Sumerian, Vedic
Aztec and Himalayan wisdom.

We by the virtue of nature and being
are the ultimate shamans of mind. Each one of us,
connected by a thread of unseen reality
are touching the very core of each other. We are all

You see there is one thing that I cannot project in your head,
'LOVE'. We all feel it, we all can be it, we all can
breathe it in 'in our being', we all can fall and rise with it,
but we can never ever ever ever ever define it,
we can never visualize it, but it is always there, it is what connects us,
our imaginations, our consciousness, our planet
and the whole universe. It connects us.

You see it's love.

And once again it's the cute little cat
that has been running around in your head.


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