Phenomenology of Epistemological Breaks

When a culture faces epistemological breaks, it suffers a fate of subversion, for it cannot unhinge itself from the imaginal blockages. It limits itself from entering the realm of the unknown. This is when a culture loses its respect to philosophy, and spirals out as its own doom. In this abandonment of the respect to philosophy, how will the culture break free from its own shadow and integrate itself in to the possibility of a future, a NEW future, a FREE future? A future where imagination is an act of knowledge, not sleep.

Take for example a culture which constructs of a family of four living a happy life. Very happy middleclass life. That’s what most of the 7 billion of us can dream for and achieve. Or maybe it is the best-case scenario. But for how long? The inner voices will be too loud before the family itself will collapse. It is bound to collapse. It is collapsing. It has collapsed in a lot of human places of plastic perfection and deep sleep. A state of forgetfulness created by us in power and us who are disempowered. A culture is a death bed of old ideas, and it is happy in selling the old wine.

Or perhaps a culture is the epistemological break that allows for the preparation of the new imaginations. NEW IMAGINATIONS, are generally rebellious, the require death and decay. They require the egg of consciousness to give birth and manifest the possibilities of human thought. Any culture is a history of the NEW world, the new human. It is the roots of the future and it has the branches that hold the imaginal tunnels to the past in the memory that is directly proportional to how long it has taken this epistemological break, and how many other ‘breaks’ are there. Or does it even matter, because if only one of us can go into and come back from the imaginal, it reveals itself to us as a mirage. A vision of death is the vision of life. So, how can an individual use culture to awaken itSELF from the cultural fate? How can a culture awaken itself from its own fate?

The cultural history of the culture is a proof that culture is not about the people, but about ideas and ideals. And any idea corrupts, and gets outdated. There is nothing such as perfect idea. The fact that we exist is a proof that perfection is not possible. We are mutated carbons changing, and morphing. NEVER PERFECT.

Change is the fuel of our imagination. Hence change is the fuel of every culture. And the only way to break free from the epistemological breaks is by the rebellious act. An act not against the culture but against perfection. Don’t strive for perfection, but strive for learning. And the first thing you learn is the necessity to free yourself from your own clutches. Your own shadows. All your faces that only come out when you are alone. The lies you have spoken. The promises you have broken.

It might need you to understand that a culture has a negative force that belongs to not just the ones who wear it around them, but also of all the memes it has absorbed. It is for its own inability to protect itself from the outside memes that is why it is prone to madness; hence a culture needs to integrate with its collective shadow to enable larger set of individuals to welcome the possible FUTURE. And to go MAD for it to come back to SANITY. And this is where revolution is necessary, not of the culture but of its hosts. Of its members and its guests. A cultural revolution means revolutions of the individuals who don’t fit in anymore but whose roots are connected to everyone else. That’s why GOVERMENTS don’t want change, they don’t want revolution. They don’t want youths to ask new questions. They don’t want freedom of the individual. Because they survive by sucking the imaginal power out of the individuals, they make sure the individuals are not aware about their own potentials of miracles and magic.


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