A Sleeping humanity! (part 1)

Firstly, when considering the question of who is asleep, and who is not. We need to understand the basic fact that sleep is a process, its not the end, its not the waste, its not the hurdle, its just a phase that comes for us to understand that there exists a domain where we understand the significance of the life, the nature, the free flow, the universe and in short, the presence of self.

We assume, as for our convenience that its better to fall asleep and never wake up. Where we are involved in the process of dream in which we can exist as we want to exist, we can be as we want to be, ride a unicorn and do whatever possible, explore the rooted sexual urges, where a person of a civilized society, who pretends to be a gentle men is having a sexual orgy with hundreds of people. Where a father of the church is searching for a virgin girl to get laid. Where all in all anyone can be anything, anytime and anywhere. And that continues everyday. Would that be the solution that we have been waiting for? Then after all the nonsense, where does one returns to? Where is this mans origination?

So the process of sleep within the subset of dreams is not what actually it is for. Its just a sleepy illusion.
Sleep seems to be a systematic escape that one wants everyday, to get away from the here and now, from the conscious knowing of whats happening around. One wants to fade out and make the mechanical brain, to forget.

Its interesting how no one knows the actual time when they fall asleep. Its a sudden blank, a sudden emptiness,that comes, take you away, then you return after a while, stating you are fresh, re-energized to live this gloomy life. And even though one goes on stating that life is wonderful, its beautiful and so on. There is a constant feeling of "there is something missing" in everyone of us. Every single being. It just seems that life is a dream, even taking that exclusionary sense. It just seems that life is big hoax, there is something which one doesn't know, of a great significance. Of great importance. But yet we pretend as if everything is normal and we should move on as it is!

The fact that no body knows the real identity of the self. The very question of WHO I AM ? Makes it look like life is a illusion. Its just a continuous process of making a living, and living on. The random boredom going on everyday. Without the identity of self. Without even a hint of the universe.

This is a sleeping humanity, in the criterion that we are all in a dream. Where once in a while we get a De Javu, of this cycle, going on and on and on. Trying to escape the foundation of this monotony of life through that particular revelation, that De Javu, and without digging enough, to return to the comfortable ignorance of  "sleep" all over again, and pretend that we are all awake, as we are. All this is our so called wonderful life. Where then we create, our own fiction, we create the good, we create the bad, we create the god, we create the god men, we create the illusion within the illusion  just because we are afraid to escape this illusion. We are afraid to jump into the wild, naked and unarmed. We are afraid to wake up. And this is going on from ages, from the very beginning of the human society. The formation of the society of this sort, is based on the humanity sleeping for a eternal period of time. It has been planned well. We are all living in the codes and condition, with the window open calling us toward the reality of life, toward the freedom. But wait, we are not to go there, its forbidden by the science, its forbidden by the religion, that there can be absolutely no next son of god, or the daughter, he will himself come again, you cant be like him, you are just a human, he is god.

You at no cost, says this dogma,  go you are free, fly high, do whatever you want to.Then they make prophet out of this humans who actually went out of that window, and make books based on the nonsense that they want us to know, and follow, make them happy, make them rule. And then they make the humanity fall asleep over and over again. They provide the fear, that you will be going to hell if you don't listen. The propaganda gets bigger, they back themselves up by the million dollar elite society that they create. The hysterical nonsense continues again that the god demands you not to take a bite of the forbidden fruit, you must obey, otherwise you are a sinner. You will fall and be a human, A HUMAN . They make you the most deemed part of the universe, and you should do absolutely everything to obey him and come to his kingdom, by rising up according to the conditions the god men provide you with! And you listen, and fall in the trap, that's where the humanity is sleeping.

It just dont end there. Its the same with the education system, constantly trying to educate people, putting all the idiotic effort. You need to do this and that, you need to obey, follow the rules and regulations, government and so on, so forth. Making the child actually believe that he is insignificant without all these things. Then you make a path for them, where at the end you tell them is the worlds best ice-cream. To get there, you have to go to school, you need to listen to daddy, then you need to do your homework's to pass the examination with flying colors and move on to the next level and get that ice-cream, the process goes on, pass secondary school, then high school, the college, finally then you think now its over its university. Oh, wait, then society says, you need to work, make living, make children, make a family,only after that you will receive the graceful ice-cream. And slowly the body grows old, the bone starts to get weak, you stop moving, and find nothing at the end, there is no ice-cream even there after all your effort. Thinking you might have made some mistakes along the way, you pray to that fictitious god you believe, you have been trained like that. Then you make your children go through the same, monotony. Never knowing you were deceived all way long. And you still are deceived. Not knowing that you are deceived, that's where humanity is sleeping.


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