Sleeping Humanity: the egg and the hen problem. (part 2)

I used to wonder around the question, which certainly was once asked to everyone of us, Did the egg come first or did the hen come first? I think I might have come to a conclusion. BINGO ! And yet I also clearly know that this is entirely my momentum of understanding, might be consciously related to many other through the universal conscious computer called nature. Whatever it might be I have to express this inclination of my mind. Its how the process begins, and explores.

Human Beings are primarily, the creatures who seek the cause and effect cycle in everything that happens and everything that is being done. Our reflexes and motives are based on the very foundation of cause and effect. And we also see the world depending upon the same criterion. The problem, regarding the egg and the hen, after-all who was the first one made, is also based on the same human instinct, searching for the cause and effect. First, What caused eggs to happen ? or What caused hens to happen ?, Second, The effect of the eggs crack was hen or the hens decision to expand, was the effect for producing eggs. The very problem revolves around eggs and hens or hens and eggs, the cause and the effect.

When one looks at the night sky and sees the wonderfully arranged and universally harmonized stars, again his instinct follows, what caused the stars to form and the whats effect produces the stars. We then rationalize things, in the human terms, and say that the star is formed by the cloud of cool, molecular gas, and it seems to be so. But again we try to find, why does cloud of cool molecular gas, in the space, out of nowhere starts to become something as an effect forms a star. Trying to make it more sensible, and toward the actual cause of that which forms a star, we ask what made the space reproduce itself as the gas itself, another effect of an unknown cause, if so, why does the space even exists, star then might be the expansion of space, that what causes the space to be the space as the effect of the cause that makes the space what space is, which intelligently expands and makes the stars.

Its a bit harsh for the mind to think of all this things, which are not just explainable. So when a child starts looking at this universe, I say through my experience of my childhood, these questions are pulled out. A child doesn't get any answers from the parents, the teacher deny to listen, the whole society just turns its head around. Then someday, somehow, someone found the ways to make all these question seem irrelevant  they manufactured someone called the GOD. And the god did it all. Just there the humanity went out of sync from there a small sense of exploration was also devastated  We had a creator, and no questions used to go beyond him.

Anyone, even an extreme non believer, an murderer, a religious guru, every person, in denial, in acceptance, in the subtle unconscious, accepts that there is god. It might be that everyone don't accept the terms and conditions as presented in the 21st century, of the God. But wants a god to be there, and believes that there is a creator. And this god seems to be an accountant, who looks at everything at any given period of time, anywhere, absolutely anywhere even in thoughts  and decides the fate of an individual, either to press the hell tab or the heaven tab. This seems to be hysterically hilarious.

Now, coming to the mainframe, of the problem, did hen came first or did the egg did. I say, both did at the same time, both were reproducing the coding to comply with each other. The hen works as the way of manifestation of the egg and the egg again flows through the manifestation of hen.

One might think that this conclusion is idiotic, and certainly it is. When one looks at the night sky, he cant just seem to let go of the start-end syndrome that he has, he cant say that universe is the universe exploring. universe is the universe expanding. The universe is the self expanding. So, here I want to address the sleeping humanity, its not necessary to see into the meanings of what is and our self inflicted what ought to be. But the very explosion of the self into the selfless which is itself the self and that the self is the playfulness of the self. See this is where the words fail to reach, now this is an experience of the entity as the self when we are talking about the self.

The foundation of our society must be the wonder of the universe and the exploration of self, we don't need free will, its just a word, what we need is a push, an ignition, where we don't have dogmas both of science and religion. Where the start is not the search of the end. Where no one is competing with anyone. The self of every self is just exploring its expansion and is living at the moment, not in the dead past, and the unreal future. The very present, which gives the birth to the future.

I am not sure if once can see this universal harmony, and the way it can make the world absolutely brilliant place, with just a decision of a generation to let go of the old, and just jump into the naked future. This is the only way to wake up the sleeping humanity. The only way to solve the riddle of the egg and the hen.


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