While the world walks, I just smile !!


Seems to me,
that we all have definitions of beauty
the best one is said to be white
the next one doesn't count

and every time, someone looks into the mirror
he recalls the vigorous callings of words

beauty, is lost, in this world

the walls of egos has become so wide
that I have to close eyes, and write poetry

and I do,

I am the bearded man that gets classified in every corners
sometime, just because of this beard,
I am a terrorist, a muslim, a sikh, a hindu,
everyone has a name,
sometimes, just because of this beard,
no one enters, the lift I am on
sometimes, even the people I look up-to
are so blinded, that I get called by various names
of delusions and morality,
I become a thug because I have beard

but still I smile, to the world, I have hope

someday, a girl with a scar on her cheeks, wont be judged
someday, the world can move forth with all prejudice down
someday, beauty wont be clothes and fashions
someday, beauty wont be the color of human pigment
someday, beauty would be unconditional

I have hope, so I smile,
while the world walks, I just smile,
 I have hope !!


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