Unknown Constellations, Inbound Metaphors

The seeds get 
confused of trees-
Dear brother, 
why are you here ?
what for ?

Infertile soil hoping
for miraculous life-
Little struggles, her fingertips,
rugged pine trees.
Dear brother, 
let me survive !

If this planet had a heart, 
it would beat faster now !

Her eyes on temporary delays  
his eyes stuck on her eyes- 
for a while, 
for a little while. 
Tree's are illogical !

Plato said:
'Let none ignorant of geometry enter here'.
She would get admitted easily,
for she knows the patterns. 
And her presence is matchless beauty 
and inclined accuracy. 
Dear brother, 
Why are you bad with reasoning ?

Branches unfolding-
word-mongers hovering around. 
Shaft of irony and beauty.
Her notions of probable causes. 
Infinite structures.
Objectification of her labyrinth.
Dear brother, 
Your poems are dead. 
Where's the ceaseless flow?

The seeds must have known,
Nietzsche's 'theory of apparent'. 
For the trees a perfectly-
reconciled to die again and again. 
Only the fittest survive. 

Dear brother,
your metaphors are unknown constellations ! 


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