Words are like Carbon !!

Wittgenstein said, 
that which can be shown, 
cannot be said. 
Oh, how true he was.
How true I am.

Words are like carbon. 
Some mix to form stones and papers. 
Some are rare diamonds. 
And I am sapphire. 
Oh, how egoist of me to say so.

For I am, what I make of me. 
A god in disguise. 
Or, the devil deceiving.

Mirror oh, mirror. 
Show me that which is not beautiful. 
Every detail, every function. 
Don't misjudge. 
Don't be lost.

There is none. Is there ?
Life is transcendental. 
Beauty is universal.

Yet, humor is not acceptable. 
But I have to say. 
This mathematics is unusual.

Gravity is sweeping me of my feet. 
For me, that's magical. 
And time is optional.

And she is a philosopher. 
My analogs are irrational. 
Her eyes are rational.

So mirror,
the beautiful mess is 
such a wonder.

And I shall hold on to her.


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