One Great High: Peaking the Peak Moment

We all at some instance, think of the peak moment of life. The great high. The archaic explosion of the primordial understanding. We all want that, we want to smell it, taste it, touch it, and if possible kiss it. But lets walk few steps more in this psychedelic dimension.

Lets think of peaking the peak. Or peak the peaking moment. 

Thomas Aquinas, the 13th century philosopher somewhere says,

All the efforts of the human mind cannot exhaust the essence of a single fly.

The peak moment must be worth a lifetime. Or if I may say so, worth the universe. Because basically we are the illumination of the universe. Leary says that you have to stop being dead and start living. I think of the peak moment as the birth of the living'ness in the human. Not the end, but the means to become something more.

The problem is that once we draw the distinction of reality based on the programmed perception, we cannot actually become the reality in itself. Now this is where we must grab the Buddhist notion of Unlearning. The process of un-programming the self from the matrix.

We should by action, not be dictated by the dispositions of the programmed mind. This means that we are all free to make our choices and be responsible for what the output turns out to be. Freedom, must also be free. Which is not written by the religious mumbozumbo, or the political doctrine. Not even the so called philosophy.

Freedom has to be free. 

And one must travel to the exteriors and interiors of life to understand the totality of freedom. Saint Augustine whom I love immensely tells that 'the world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.' We must be courageous and take that great leap of exploration.

Only then, love becomes the beauty of soul.


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