
Showing posts from April, 2015

The Symbolism and Science of Serpent and Ouroboros !

You might not have heard of the ancient Greek symbol called 'Ouroboros'. But you should, because it is one of the most fascinating symbol. The Ouroboros is a Greek word meaning 'tail devourer,' and is one of the oldest mystical symbols in the world. It can be perceived as enveloping itself, where the past (the tail) appears to disappear but really moves into an inner domain or reality, vanishing from view but still existing.  Alchemical Symbol of Ouroboros Ouroboros is generally depicted as a Serpent or a Dragon biting its own tail. The first recorded history of such symbol is in Egypt at around 1600 BCE in the texts called    Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld. The symbol moved from Egyptians to Phoenicians and finally to Greeks. Where the symbol got its name OUROBOROS.  The symbol and the myth regarding the symbol is famous all over the world. In the Norse mythology its called Jormungandr. And in the Hindu mythology its related to the Kundalini Jagaran.

Heraclitus: The Brightest Star of Greek Philosophy

Heraclitus was a Greek philosopher of Ephesus. He is possibly the first Greek philosopher to explain the unity in all experience. And how change is the only constant in the universe. Heraclitus is also sometime known as the Philosopher of Riddles. For many people don't understand him. Heraclitus introduced the world with the word 'Logos', which means that 'all things are one in some sense'. Even the opposites are needed for the occurrence of action. Heraclitus explained that change is the core of all things. And within the changing framework lies the unity of opposites.  Heraclitus by unknown artist  Osho in the book Hidden Harmony praises Heraclitus as the greatest Buddha of the world. He says,  Heraclitus is one of the greatest Buddhas of the world. In western philosophy his name is not part of the mainstream. The mainstream consists of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Bertrand Russell, Wittgenstein, Moore. Heraclitus is something like an

Constipated Brain, Eddington's Arrow and the Death of Pythagoras of Samos !

Generally we meet two types of people. First are those who have constipated brains. And the second are those who shit well.  The constipated brains suffer from ignorance, intolerance, ego and 'I am right' ghost. Whereas, the shitty brain are free thinkers, artists, poets and those in the dimensions of creative communion.  May I remind you, in the universe, we find various kinds of shit. And mostly even the shitty kind suffer from indigestion of thoughts and beliefs. But there are those who poop very very well.  Arthur Eddington, a philosopher of Science, conceptualized the concept of arrow of time or the Eddington's Arrow. Where time is a one way phenomenon. Asymmetrical.  Arrow of Time by Vladimir Kush  The poop'ers are those who in the motion of time have created a holistic understanding of universe. By universe, I mean the whole of what they know. This defines what they poop. They ate the healthy stuff. They started to evolve. They might have su

Anahat: Tighter Benevolence

the candles: you see one everyday walking, sleeping eating, and being by your side, 'fire'- whiter than white blacker than black, darker than night lovers alike, struck struck struck strike lightening eyes fighting flames RISE settle down below the flowing wind pointing direction, facing signs- strive- strive-strive my lover, you are my predestined sign garments, flesh, bloods, flairs, shielded spring sights tighter benevolence my beard is my wings and she knows, 'stones talk to me' the tree's talk to me too but do you world?? shimmering my love glistening through time and space not one, but thousands of travelers, I would walk by your soul to the edge of the universe- treasure trove, fallen lanterns, dry leaves wanderers wandering stones standing your soul my beats chambers heart ANAHAT

Splitseconds: My Playlist is My Time-Machine !!

split seconds this ends now, 'time' stop, refrain, sleep go deep deeper, deepest  my playlist is my time-machine, tangling, twisting, tantalizing terminating the wider spectrum  of birth and death light, colors, eyes, her eyes metaphors, rubber cubed heartbeats metamorphosis, migraines  dimmer lights  zest  flatbeds, beasts mourning, screams tighter jeans blocks in the clocks snubs mobs   stiff swerves, her sweaters jump- jumpers  lumberjacks mufflers  melting might  sight  her eyes,  my playlist is  my time-machine !!

Shumsher and King: A Comparative Analysis by Prakrity Shiwakoti

Although they were born nearly four decades apart albeit under different circumstances and places, Martin Luther King Jr. and Chandra Shumsher Jung Bahadur Rana both played instrumental roles in the abolishment of slavery in their respective nations.  “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation.” Addressing a crowd of over 250,000 supporters during the March on Washington, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gratefully acknowledges the members of the Civil Rights Movement and expresses his gratitude and pride at their joint momentous efforts so far. Beginning his speech with great aplomb, King makes an immediate reference to previous American president, Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysbug Address which marked the passing of the Emancipation Proclamation and reminds  everyone how it served as a symbol of great hope and a supposed end to the languish of the ‘Negros’ all over the country. His vivid us

The Chronicles of Unending Love !

I have met you- numberless times in  endless lives. And  we have been here before.  We are here now. We will be  here forever.  We are the chronicles of  unending love. Where we have  shared our shy sweetness.  Where we have stepped in temples of distant lands.  Where we have become the  temple flag of beauty, of glory and of love.  My beloved,  I want to hold thee. And be inseparable  and indivisible. I want to be the whirlwind of  moment in moments in  your solitude and  soft ripple of your  thoughts.  In you, I find the multitude  of companionship and rejoicing.  Like sacred flowers with perfumes  of universal joys.  And undisturbed tranquil  of water. A circle that  cycles numerously  in time and space.  Renewing itself in the clouds of perception and projection. My beloved,  You are my union.  My soulmate.