Constipated Brain, Eddington's Arrow and the Death of Pythagoras of Samos !

Generally we meet two types of people. First are those who have constipated brains. And the second are those who shit well. 

The constipated brains suffer from ignorance, intolerance, ego and 'I am right' ghost. Whereas, the shitty brain are free thinkers, artists, poets and those in the dimensions of creative communion. 

May I remind you, in the universe, we find various kinds of shit. And mostly even the shitty kind suffer from indigestion of thoughts and beliefs. But there are those who poop very very well. 

Arthur Eddington, a philosopher of Science, conceptualized the concept of arrow of time or the Eddington's Arrow. Where time is a one way phenomenon. Asymmetrical. 

Arrow of Time by Vladimir Kush 

The poop'ers are those who in the motion of time have created a holistic understanding of universe. By universe, I mean the whole of what they know. This defines what they poop. They ate the healthy stuff. They started to evolve. They might have suffered from indigestion of bias'ness. But they moved in the asymmetrical study of the unbiased confrontations. This led to the mind symmetry. 

The second law of thermodynamics states that in any cyclic process the entropy will either increase or remain the same.

The constipated brains are those who remain the same. Which is easy. For they don't need to move. They enjoy the comfort of illusion. While the process of entropy, changing is difficult. It takes effort. It might even destroy you. (Hypatia of Alexandria was murdered for her ability to inquire, seek and move)

The world is full of constipated brains, those who love being stuck. And the constipated one's are annoyed toward the well poopers. Bruce Pennington explains how Pythagoras of Samos, suffered in the cradles of the constipated minds, while he himself was firm in the holdings of his philosophy that 'beans were also the part of human family'.

The angry mob torched the buildings, forcing members of the Brotherhood to flee the terrifying flames. As the members exited the conflagration, many were stabbed to death. Those who escaped both fire and knife fled to the surrounding countryside. Pythagoras was one of the lucky ones: his followers formed a human bridge to help him to clamber out of one of the blazing buildings. But his escape did not go undetected. Soon several of Kylon’s angry friends were in pursuit, yet as he had a significant lead, it looked as if the aging Pythagoras would make it to safety.

Suddenly Pythagoras came to a stop. A vast bean field stretched before him. He stood frozen, uncertain what to do. His eyes focused on a single bean dangling inches from his papyrus- covered feet. So true was he to his ideals that, even at the risk of losing his own life, he was unwilling to trample upon even a single bean. Staring down upon that vibrant bean, the sun low in the sky, he imagined it to be blossoming into a divine ripeness before him. And as he stood there, hesitating, contemplating his next move, his pursuers caught up with him. They lifted their weapons, and bringing the knifes down hard, spilled Pythagoras’ blood on the plants – ending his life for the sake of a bean, and for the deep wisdom immersed in that diminutive cosmic object.

The School of Athens by Raphael. (Pythagoras among his student)  


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