
Showing posts from September, 2015

The Hidden Mysteries of Language (Part 2)

............... continued  How many of us read footnotes to great texts. The Secret Doctrine written by H.P Blavatsky has a tremendous amount of footnotes. I have realized that I love reading footnotes as much as love reading the content.  Many ancient culture put forth the concept of spirit of the language. Language is a sort of vantage point to humans, and we can push our conceptual thinking to witness the observer. Language lets us see the being of beings, thing of things. That itself goes beyond the primary understanding of matter. We know, that which has life in it can only create life. Also, language as a spirit is based on vision. (here, I do not mean sight) Without the power of vision, it is almost impossible for language to take its form.  When you listen to a temple bell, you can distinctly feel two dimensions of feeling, the sayable and the unsayable. Language has the capacity to carry both of them. It surely is an deep inner struggle to give birth to the r

The Hidden Mysteries of Language

Language is a domain of cosmos. It was the first singularity that humans explored. Think of an era before language, and think of an era after language. Those two era's are completely different dimensions for us as a civilization. But over time we have lost the synchronicity with language.  Language today has remained just as a tool of speech and expression. A is just an A. Which fills in the blanks of our communication. 'mAn', just merger of three words with reference to a meaning. We have almost completely lost the touch with the etymological origins. We have remixed into a world of talking but not truly communicating. But it was not always so. In antiquity, and at some level, even in the modern time, language is the foundation of divinity. The cycle of involution and evolution.  During the Greek era, words were alive. They had identity. These identities communicated with man. A was not just merely an A, as in Latin. In Greek, 'A' had an persona. He w

Bio-Centricity: What is to be/not to be a human?

The seeker: Where can we draw the line between living like a human and actually being a human?  The inner seeker: This can be a classical debate or a modern epistemological understanding. Whatever it is, there is an constant sublime question about what is to be a human. Who is a human? With the outbreak of internet, we have been exposed to numerous act of kindness and sense aphrodisiac by the animals, just a little bit of googling and youtubing, everyone can find them. Animals portray those characters that we consider to be humane. And some human don't. So, who is a human? The animal with sensitivity toward a collective life or the man with absolutely no regards to sensitivity of others.  Does being able to speak, make us a human? Is that the criteria?  In 1884, Dr Gustav Theodor Fechner, a German experimental psychologist suggested of an idea in which he explained that animals are sentient beings. For the first time, beyond alchemy, in regards to che

Synchronous Weirdness

As he was walking through the (now-here land) he met- Voltaire,  a man beyond words Voltaire silently whispered to  his ears: 'god is a circle,  whose center is everywhere but  circumference nowhere'. He bowed down (trembling) knowing that the map is not where his home is a song is not the singer nor the sung and as Watts had told him,  'menu is not the meal'. But he was offered  the best meal in the whole universe  a meal-less meal a meal so fulfilling that  he does not need to  eat anymore in his life. A poetic meal of her poetry. Her poetry of  mysterious coincidences. He called her the goddess of  non-causal parallelism.  A sufi.  A temple. A chapel door.  An astronaut.  An extraterrestrial circuit.  A resurrection.  Elixir of the wise.  Moment within moment within moment, Coincidentia Oppositorum!