The Hidden Mysteries of Language (Part 2)

............... continued 

How many of us read footnotes to great texts. The Secret Doctrine written by H.P Blavatsky has a tremendous amount of footnotes. I have realized that I love reading footnotes as much as love reading the content. 

Many ancient culture put forth the concept of spirit of the language. Language is a sort of vantage point to humans, and we can push our conceptual thinking to witness the observer. Language lets us see the being of beings, thing of things. That itself goes beyond the primary understanding of matter. We know, that which has life in it can only create life. Also, language as a spirit is based on vision. (here, I do not mean sight) Without the power of vision, it is almost impossible for language to take its form. 

When you listen to a temple bell, you can distinctly feel two dimensions of feeling, the sayable and the unsayable. Language has the capacity to carry both of them. It surely is an deep inner struggle to give birth to the right words. And the soul of the meaning explains the nature of what you have to say. That conception point forms the foundation to language. Please bear with me, this might look a little bit vague and abstract. 

The spirit of language is also what we refer to as speech spirit. You cannot form a conversation without listening to yourself and the other. Both happens as an observation. Observing the self and the other. 

Now the 'spirit' tries to show the signification of moment. What did it signify. What does an apple signify. Why is an apple, APPLE.  And in an moment of living intercourse with the intellect and the universe, a signification is formed. Apple is an apple. It is visualized. What is visualized becomes the inborn conviction. As Steiner says, that which is born in upon us. From here on, language become an individual phenomenon. And only after that, a verification arises. The verification of a thing with a thing. Apple with the apple. 

It's almost like the soul meets the body and the body need to find the soul, in order to verify that the soul actually exists. And the cycle continues. 

As the grid of consciousness gets complex, the intelligence gets new forms. It basically speeds up. We debate upon things. Does the god exist or does it not? This again helps to portray the reason based spirit of language. That which is chaotic, yet dances with the order. And we see two sort of spirit of language, one which works with the conscious and one that which works with the subconscious.  

And as the speed increases, we only see the elemental vitality of language, rather than the spirit of language. Language becomes a extravagant tool. Language becomes a verbal clothing. This also happens together when man loses the touch with his own spirit. 

The spirit of language is intertwined with the spirit of man.

Slowly peculiarness takes hold of the expressions. It loses unity. And man fights for language. The very fact that man tries to and has to preserve language proves that man is in the wrong shoes. He has walked a wrong way. And he is lost. 

The private ego of so called civilized nation gets hold of the world affair. And the spirit of  language is lost. We have a responsibility to create a counter tide of movement toward the union of language rather than division of it. It is not about being bilingual but finding the true spirit of understanding. Finding the soul that connects every human. be continued 

This would give us: "In the beginning was the code, and the code was made flesh." 
Doesn't this sound like a programming statement? Coding for virtual reality! (With 'word' being appreciated as the only concept that was available at biblical times, in that language. This 'word' was capable of conceptually pointing toward the idea of a code that creates an illusion within which we are all embedded. Of course it's in fact just a pseudo reality which goes unquestioned due to tyranny of ideas and alternatives.)
                                                                                                         Terence McKenna


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