The Hidden Mysteries of Language

Language is a domain of cosmos. It was the first singularity that humans explored. Think of an era before language, and think of an era after language. Those two era's are completely different dimensions for us as a civilization. But over time we have lost the synchronicity with language. 

Language today has remained just as a tool of speech and expression. A is just an A. Which fills in the blanks of our communication. 'mAn', just merger of three words with reference to a meaning. We have almost completely lost the touch with the etymological origins. We have remixed into a world of talking but not truly communicating. But it was not always so. In antiquity, and at some level, even in the modern time, language is the foundation of divinity. The cycle of involution and evolution. 

During the Greek era, words were alive. They had identity. These identities communicated with man. A was not just merely an A, as in Latin. In Greek, 'A' had an persona. He was called alpha. A certain level of familiarity with the sacred was alive in alpha. The initiator. Moses was called alpha, even Jesus was called alpha. There is a gnostic understanding behind it. A mystery and majesty that we human have been unaware of. 

Language is the poetry of life. And since we have lost touch with the true form of poetry, language today remains as a prose of life. 

Egypt and Greece were the illuminated one. Their thought involved grace, contemplation and spirituality. A very deep sense of communion with the universe. But as the Roman-Latin world overtook Greece, what remained was barbaric politics, propaganda and a race of jurists. 

Language is truly mysterious and majestic in its true nature. In Hebrew 'A-alpha' was called 'Alpeh'. And what it means is 'the one who experience his own breathing'. Now that's deep. That almost covers the whole concept of observation in Buddhism. 'Ana Pana Sati Yog', watching of the ingoing and outgoing breath. 

Alpeh, philosophically, points to the direction that manhood depends upon experiencing man himself. The old testament says, ‘And God formed Man ... and breathed into nostrils the breath of life'. The man and his consciousness in breathing is meant to explain the first letter of our alphabet system. And we are to experience everything beyond that in a way of experiencer. The observer and the observed. 

After, alpha comes beta, A and B, in its true meaning beta means a covering, or a house. The meaning why A comes after B is because 'Man in his house (temple)'. And in similar way each letter follows a understanding of life and universe. The alphabets are not just random scribbles but something profoundly immense and universal. To understand this, is to understand the mystery of man, his roots and his divine nature. 

We see that a whole lot of linguistic research is done revolving around language. Many researchers and groups are trying to understand the lost antiquity of language. But none of them truly understand that to understand the mystery of language is to understand mystery of man. Once we can connect the dots, we are submerged into a different level of wisdom. 

When I write poetry, I don't concern myself with the poet or the words. I let the observer decide what is to come. For me writing poetry is like entering a temple in trance. I get glimpse of primordial sentences, in so many forms and fragments, some Sanskrit, some Hebrew, some just big noises, and some just visual melody without words. As if a recorded disc is being played inside me. And that happens in flash of seconds. A complete surrender. That's why I have to say I don't write poems. Poetry happens to me regardless of me. The utility of time is lost. And I am just 'alpha-beta'.

 ..... to be continued !


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