Morality or Mystery: what defines man?

Under the necessity of nature, we observe that the universe undergoes a continuous process of causes and effects. An action of a man certainly has  inner causes and outer causes, in respect to the inner effects and outer effects. The modern human has a sincere inclination to understand what is this all about. But he particularly only looks into the outer causes and outer effects. The inner dimension is completely missed. The scientific character is completely oriented toward outward. In archaic times, the observation was more internal and inner, something which involved a process of involution. A percentage of that involution cycle is still running in today's modern world. Very hidden. 

Science looks into the understanding of man as gravity. Without understanding what gravity is, let alone what man is. A theory about man, is not what man is. However theological understanding of man always keeps the element of mystery at hand. The man is not just a man. He is a divine will. A will of the whole cosmos working in the direction of creation. Beyond causes and effects, man is a process of unconditional divine prescience. Man cannot be defined. But through man, we can experience essence of man and the universe. 

Because man's perception is reduced to the understanding of cause and effect, give and take, he has to devise something to keep everything in check. For the culture, religion and politics to work. That gives birth to morality. And morality has various meaning for different cultures around the globe. Morality is a man made thing. If a person is spiritual, involved in the internal, morality is not needed. Morality is a dead man's boat. This morality again defines the personal judgements. The truth is the moral impulses most of the time is against a person's nature. That is where  the root of depression is. Man is first of all not in-tuned with the self, secondly he is dictated by the notion of morality, and thirdly he is defined by his morality. This breaks him. And what remains is not what man is. But what the culture wants him to be. 

Immanuel Kant, wrote two critiques on reasons, 'The Critique of Pure Reason' and 'The Critique of Applied Reason'. Kant looked into the aspect of moral cosmogany, 'what is it to be moral?'. Surely there is a great difference between pure reason and applied reasons of morality. A bridge is needed to understand the two. Hence Kant also wrote 'The Critique of Judgements'. But this bridge generally for us humans becomes a cycle of compromises, killing the individuality itself. Most of the art comes to life against the fight with those compromises. Art is beyond human morale. Art is an individual rebellion. 

The bridge is needed but it's not the bridge of compromises. The bridge has to be of spiritual science in order for human to be truly free. But what is to be spiritual. Let us just understand that by using an aphorism of Apollo used for millennia, 'Know Thyself'. Which is also the Vedic aphorism, 'Brahma Jayeta Brahmana'. The bridge is an individual bridge. It's never collective. It's not the survival of fittest, but the survival of kindest. And that is not a moral concept but an individual growth. 

The modern world puts a very high emphasis of the physical, that is why the whole intellectual understanding of man is reduced to mechanical and mathematical calculation. Where do we reach by the observation of mechanical-mathematical universe, we reach to a point where we are mechanical and mathematical. And this understanding cannot hold the sense of morality which holded the closed humanity for ages. Man questions morality without having spirituality. And while in the stage he had to upgrade, he goes on degrading. While experiencing a three dimensional universe, man is reduced to a two dimensional understanding. This happens because he is not aware of what he is experiencing. He is blinded by culture/religion and politics. And the reduced self cannot comprehend the divine self. Man needs a dictator is the sky. Who will punish him if he does something wrong. Because his morality is based on that dictation from above. He is not self aware. He is just pretending to be aware and actualized. And that pretendence comes from what he is intellectual fed. Man needs Jesus, Allah or Krishna, to define is morality. He is never free. Never whole. Never holy. And because of that he is never healthy. 

Most people live in a myth and grow violently angry if anyone dares to tell them the truth about themselves. -Robert Anton Wilson 

( be continued)


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