Philosophical Imaginatrix: The Mysteries of Human Anatomy

The human body is one of the most universal, most beautiful and most holy of all symbols. The man is the mini-universe, and the universe is the grand man. 

A human being is only alive through his senses. And his senses are the output of what the sense organs receives. These organs are the foundation of his life process. Imagine a life without the sense of touch or vision, or any of those one sense criterion. A human would be incomplete. In many ways we are the materialization of the information that our senses receives. The sense is not just of the sensory organs, but subtle internal sense perception that are stored in the subconscious of human mind. For example: the sense of balance, the sense of time, the sense of movement, the sense of being. 

Various higher senses remain dormant in our being. These senses are also the collection of memories that are passed down generations on DNA, atmosphere, the water, and even the space. An attraction and repulsion of the sense of the mind and the planetary-bio mind is what makes the human society function. Nothing is just a sudden discovery of the senses. A deep process makes discovery possible. 

Aristotle in some of his writings discusses how our sense organs define the person we are. They are like mirrors. How does a coward person look? How does an emperor look? He describes features such as complexion, hair, eyes, wrinkles, and bodily proportions. The wisdom about the human anatomy was more prevalent in ancient world than in today's materialistic world.

The senses in the human body are co-relative to the Zodiacs, because our body is the output of the soul information. And the soul is the output of celestial information system. This is complex to understand. The stationary positions of space also impacts the human body. The vedic and the egyptian wisdom system understood about this. And it was expressed in a similar way. The orbiting objects influences the state of mind and our emotion. And our senses are highly influenced by the sun cycles. 

In an ancient period, the human organs were not capable of accepting a wide range of sense perception. They were life organs, rather than sense organs. Because of that, we were more in-tuned to the universe than we are now. We had in that time, a dream like (imaginative) vision and sense of the universe. The theosophy school calls it the 'moon vision'. 

Rudolf Steiner draws a wonderful parallel when he talks about the aesthetics of sense organ, where humans are in a relation to the sense organs. He says-

"What does this mean? It means that the person will to some extent inwardly alter his Zodiac, with its twelve sense-regions. He will alter it in such a way that in his Zodiac, with its twelve sense-regions, more life-processes than sense-processes will occur. Or, to put it better, the effect is to transform the sense-process in the sense-region into a life-process and so to raise it out of its present lifeless condition into life. Thus a man sees, but at the same time something is living in his seeing; he hears and at the same time something is living inwardly in his hearing; instead of living only in the stomach or on the tongue, it lives now in the eye and in the ear. The sense-processes are brought into movement. Their life is stimulated. This is quite acceptable. Then something is incorporated in these sense-organs which today is possessed only to this degree by the life-organs. The life-organs are imbued with a strong activity of sympathy and antipathy. Think how much the whole of life depends upon sympathy and antipathy! One thing is taken, another rejected. These powers of sympathy and antipathy, normally developed by the life-organs, are now poured into the sense-organs. The eye not only sees the colour red; it feels sympathy or antipathy for the colour. Permeation by life streams hack into the sense organs, so we can say that the sense-organs become in a certain way life-regions once more."

The spiritual training cannot be complete without the understanding of human anatomy. The laws, powers, forces, science everything comes from the human sense perception, which are the part of human anatomy. Even 'gods' of antiquity wanted a human form for the glory of human anatomy. Our senses imprint the world with consciousness, and the world consciousness imprints the mind with the universal unity. All is a unit fraction of collective celestial event. In Shaivism, Shiva, one he is beyond all that is, is also considered as a human. The first human, the first GRAND HUMAN. And through him, the human'ness was formed in the planet. The 'macrocosm' is the great body. And that which controlled the 'macrocosm' is called MACROPROSOPHUS. The human body, is called the 'microcosm'. And that which controlled the 'microcosm' is called MICROPROSOPHUS. All pagan religions in the world seek for the union of micro and macrocosm. And that ultimately leads to liberation. 

In the book Isis Unveiled, H.P Blavatsky explains-

"Man is a little world--a microcosm inside the great universe. Like a fetus, he is suspended, by all his three spirits, in the matrix of the macrocosmos; and while his terrestrial body is in constant sympathy with its parent earth, his astral soul lives in unison with the sidereal anima mundi. He is in it, as it is in him, for the world-pervading element fills all space, and is space itself, only shoreless and infinite. As to his third spirit, the divine, what is it but an infinitesimal ray, one of the countless radiations proceeding directly from the Highest Cause--the Spiritual Light of the World? This is the trinity of organic and inorganic nature--the spiritual and the physical, which are three in one, and of which Proclus says that 'The first monad is the Eternal God; the second, eternity; the third, the paradigm, or pattern of the universe;' the three constituting the Intelligible Triad."

The worshiping of the idols started initially as a study of the 'man'. Man was the text. Man was the mystery. The most primitive altar was the man. And in this way, understanding man was to understand all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe. That way approaching the symbols of man, was approaching everything. In the Abrahamic allegory, the life of the planet itself began from Adam and Eve. The man is the solution to the riddle of life and existence. And must be approached in such away. The Patanjali Yoga, also symbolizes that understanding. Today's world misses to study that understanding. 


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