Philosophical Imaginatrix: The Mingling of Chaos and Cosmos

Life is a constant chaos. And in that chaos, life is synchronized with beautiful patterns. Egyptian and Greeks believed that the primordial gods were the children of chaos. The Norse myths talk about Ginnungagap, which means a yawning abyss, from which cold and warmth were born. Niflheim, the cold one and Muspelheim, the warm one. Bible talks about the void. Today surely we cannot understand the deeper concept of chaos. Because we take it as something with negative meaning. Something in panic. But Chaos is a deep space of possibilities, probabilities and peace. Its a little hard to grasp. Its a bit trippy. 

Ovid in Metamorphosis explains Chaos in a very beautiful poem. Which reads-

Before land, sea, sky, before all that:
nature was chaos; our cosmos, all chaos;
all the same enormity, all in one;
there was no form, no moon to walk
the night, no earth to dance with air,
no ocean touching shimmeringly
the fractal reefs and particulate sand;
life and lifelessness the same,
roughness, smoothness the same,
heat falling into cold, cold into heat,
dampness falling into drought,
heaviness falling into weightlessness,
yieldingness falling into adamant.

Chaos is the cause for the transmutation of spacetime and quantum vacuum. Science seeks for a favorable condition to life. But we must understand that life happens in the platform of unsynchronized cause of a higher synchronization. A causeless cause for the life to happen. For the universe to happen. Almost no way can be found to put in words the super-sensible cause for the causing acts of nature. They just happen. We might experience it, but words cannot put them in a dissolved act of explanation. To experience it, we must understand the spiritual forces behind them. We must discover the deeper spiritual union of the body, soul and the nature. That way we can understand the beauty of chaos. 

In Japanese Shinto, good and evil are not the opposites of each other. Good represents something in balance, and bad represents something which is out of balance. Chaos is where good and evil are one. To understand chaos we have to understand two specific theories: the Butterfly Effect and the Fractal Geometry.

Does the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil
set off a tornado in Texas?
                                                       —Edward Lorenz

Lord Kelvin, a physicist explained to his graduate students that almost everything in science is known. Hence they would have a very boring careers. Little did he know, Einstein will bring all those preconceived notion of physics to the ground. Einstein knocked down science with chaos. And a new dimension was born. That is what chaos does, it creates. It's a creative force of creation in nothingness. A nothingness in creation. Chaos is the building blocks of our universe: known, unknown and the unknowable. It is interesting to know that the word 'gas' also comes from the word chaos. The chaos which was the substance of the origin for the ancients. Jan Baptist van Helmont, a Flemish chemist, physiologist, and physician said:

I have described this vapour by the name ‘gas;’ it is not far removed from the Chaos of the ancients. Helmont coined the word ‘gas’ from the word ‘chaos.’ It is an extremely interesting connection in the world order. We are thus led by Helmont to a living conception of space, not empty and infertile like the concept of space for the man of today, but a concept of space appearing infinitely fertile, bearing countless seeds. The infinitude that is spread out is the seed from out of which we issue. Everything that is in the world is space condensed; it is the infinite Spirit who shows Himself to us in place of a mere empty space. 

The existence was a void, out of that void Chaos evolved. Chaos is the clouded existence. From Chaos existence ignited in motion. That is what it means when bible says In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth, and the Earth was without form and void, and the Spirit of the Godhead brooded and weaved over the depths. Chaos is an ongoing process. It's the symphony of the harmonies of the great universal sphere. From the spacelessness, the clouded chaotic space was born. And from that space, shapes and forms were produced. The world's came to be. Life evolved. Machines evolved. And its going on in the gaseous fraction of all seen universe. Chaos is the foundation. From it is the stone, the birds. From it you kiss, touch and feel. From it you make love. Making love is a divine process of chaos. From where fractal patterns of cells and life start to happen. Chaos happens in the milk that turns to curd. Chaos happens in mushroom and roses. Chaos is the fertility of life. 

When I die, chaos happens. From my dead flesh worms start to come out. My death is the process of creation. All death is creation. And that creation is the creation of chaos. A constant mingling of cosmos and chaos is nature. Cosmos and chaos are intertwined. One. Unified. Yet they are two distinct force. Great work of art and literature is born out of chaos. Picasso is in constant chaos, hence his art is awestrucking. Nitzsche is in chaos with life, he is alive. To understand and in live chaos is to be free. It is to live like the gods. Rudolf Steiner explains that:

Genius is the marriage of the past with the present, of the Cosmos with the Chaos.

Hence the students of spirituality, occult and mystery seek for the archaic. McKenna talks about the archaic revival. To be one with that archaic experience where chaos was the language. Chaos was the everyday experience. In Sanatana Dharma, a very beautiful word is used 'Vairagya'. Seeking only starts with vairagya. It is a very deep unfoldment of chaos. Of which the spiritual movement is born. It's the start of the menstruation cycle of the divine in us. The seeker in us. This is the beauty of chaos in the cosmos. Man who is the macrocosm of the mircocosm. And the microcosm of the macrocosm. This is the seeds of humanity. A new condensation, a new impulse, the butterfly effect. 

Look at the understanding of the etheric dimension in the Sanatana Dharma which is called 'AKAHSA' as 'A CHAOS'. Our understanding changes completely. We become more syncronized. In us is the 'akasha'. A Chaos. 

Our life is an constant re-emerging order of stardust, it's an continuous stasis and a cosmic dissolution of turbulent system. Nothing stays the same. It mutates, it changes. It's in chaos.

A: A violent order is disorder, and
B: A great disorder is an order.
These two things are one.

                              —Wallace Stevens

Benoit Mandelbrot coined the term FRACTAL. He questioned the essence of maths that euclid defined. And he saw the patterns of things, of which chaos was. A triangle was a parallelogram was a square. Life is a fractal happening. What is a sun? From a distance its a sphere of yellow substance. Its light. But a million mile closer. Its blackening white. A further into it, its geometric shapes. A further in, its chaos. A further in, its the void. The fraction is a fracture of the fractal universe. This was what Mandelbrot was trying to define. Mandelbrot also saw 'fractal' as the unification of cosmic similarity of all things. An iteration of inorganic and organic spiraling of life. The fractal is the nervous system of universe is. 

Clouds are not spheres,                                                                                                      mountains are not cones,                                                                                                      coastlines are not circles                                                                                                       and bark is not smooth,                                                                                                       nor does lightning                                                                                                                     travel in a straight line.                                                                                                                                           -Benoit Mandelbrot
It is the hollow of thoughts that gives birth to creativity. It is the chaos. 


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