I renounce 'Myself'
the fragrance of Prana flows inward and outward, to the imbue space- manifesting as the blessed silence, the silence that is my heart the silence is full of never expressible bliss the silence is bliss my dear Sophia, I know you feel this.... the flowers of spiral ascension that my heart feels the fire of Kundalini kindles, the whirlwind of Chakras, I know you feel this, the tremor and silence, the freedom from all methods, ...in the garden of methods, cultures and religions, I have grown but I am not them, I love them but I renounce all I renounce my name, my gender, my ego, my identity I renounce 'myself', I renounce all ...still I am here, not with effort, but effortless do you see Sophia, I am you now I offer you my emptiness for I am empty I offer you my silence for I am silence