The Alchemical Soul of the Celestial Dakini

.. the alchemist sees something of the beyond,

she sees the innumerable sublimation, distillation and congelations 
of that which is not just the matter, but the spirit 

she sees the movements and turnings of vibrations,  
of entangled wits, intertwined humor 

she is inflamed with the sublimity of philosophy, 
she becomes and is philosophy herself

she can channel Hermes, 
she finds his energy floating and flowing around her
she, the pure heart, the alchemist 
she, the Hermes 

she the beholder of Golden Panacea 
she is open, free and accepting, for she knows, 
'scientia non habet inimicum nisp ignorantem'
that knowledge has no enemy but ignorance 

and ignorance is the ultimate beast 

her being is ignited by celestial fire, her being fertile
she impregnates the mind, the body and the soul
the nature is her reflection, she is the reflection of nature 

she, the Alchemist, the Devi, the Dakini 
she, the Mother, the Gaia, the Goddess 

she who speaks now, is the one who spoke a hundred years ago, 
or thousands or millions even beyond number, 

she the primordial word, she the AUM  
she wears the infallible mark of the very truth 

she, the enigma
she, the allegories 
she, the fable 

she, the secret vile of hieroglyph   

in her is the very chaos of life, 
the chaos constitutes of siccum and humidum, 
the earth and the water, the chaos has a shadow
the shadow blacker than black, the root of all philosophical night 

in the shadow, the white was formed, from the orange sun, 
deepened in red, inanimate to animate, the philosophical day-
the 'Earth' forms of her mind, she breathes in it, the fire

Earth, the philosophical clay, the personification of Gaia, 
in her is the spirit of all metamorphosis

she, the splendor 
she, the incorruptible primal matter 
she, the Magisterium

she, the forgotten Christ, 
she, the forgotten Buddha, 
she, the forgotten Guru

she, the Alchemist 

'In radios raddis radius precedit honestos
et radius radiis radios dedid obtenebratos.
Transendens radios raddis cunctis magis addit
solus enim vim cuntorum retinrt radiorum.'

'The ray preceded by rays into worthy rays, 
and the ray gave concealed rays to the rays. 
By joined rays, the Transcendent greatly increased the rays, 
for the sun retains the force of the joined rays.' 

she, the Alchemical Sun
she, the Celestial Dakini  

my homage to you, oh Celestial Dakini

Note: The image is of Sukhasiddhi Dakini. A 11th Century, female meditation teacher, born in Western Kashmir. She met her guru at the age of 61. And attained enlightenment soon after that. A reminder that its never too late to start.

A brief teaching from 'shangs pa mgur mtsho' reads:
When the awareness dakini Sukhasiddhi received perfect empowerment into the emanated mandala from the glorious master, the great Virupa, she attained to the eighth stage of awakening in a single night. She truly beheld Vajradhara and became inseparable from the Bhagavani Nairatmya. In order to impart the essential instructions to fortunate disciples, she uttered this song:
Disengaging from the objects of the six senses,
To experience non-thought, is the path that leads beyond.
The expanse of ultimate reality is non-conceptual.
Mahamudra is devoid of mental activity.

Do not meditate! Do not meditate! Do not engage in mind-made meditation!
Mind-made meditation is a cycle of delusion!
Conceptual thoughts are the shackles binding you to samsara.
Turning away from conceptual mind, there is no meditation!

Space is empty and non-conceptual!
The root of conceptual mind, cut off!
Cut off this root and then, relax!

Thus it was said.


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