Tales of Miraculous Chapter 7 'Samadhi in Jerusalem'

Samadhi in Jerusalem!

I was once in the Volga Region of Russia, spending my days, in the banks of Volga River, and continuing my psychic journey. In the early days of summer, I got a letter from my friend in Moscow, who called me to meet someone who was supposedly enlightened and very remarkable in his nature.

I followed a group of Bulgarian merchant to Moscow. We sailed along the Moscow-Volga Canal. The connecting path between the Volga River and the Moskva River. I was well aware about the violence that occurred whilst building the canal. The suffering of thousands of people was really making my journey unbearable. The direction of Matvei Davidovich Beman, one of the heads in the Soviet Prison Camp, and the cruel directions of Stalin era, had taken more than 22000 lives while building this canal.

After reaching to Moscow, My friend told me that we have to set our journey to Rome, since the person, who we were to meet, the remarkable person, had already left for Rome. I could clearly see the excitement in my friend’s eyes. A very rare excitement.

We were very less aware of the fact that we were heading toward a very big turmoil of world history. The day we arrived in Rome, was also the day when Hitler arrived in Rome. There were people everywhere on the road. We saw a vehicle, carrying Mussolini and Hitler, Well-guarded.

Rome was adorned with decorations and Swastika signs. How cruelly they have used this ancient symbol. We also saw a road that was newly built, in the name of Adolf Hitler. We were saddened to see the stupidity of human mind and ego.

We then went to Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore (the church of Santa Maria Maggiore), where we were to meet a person from the group of the person we were searching for, who was to guide us in our journey.

Reaching the church, I was awestruck by its beauty, peacefulness and the very deep spiritual vibration. I was well aware that the church for being called Basilica must have a very deep and collective history. Only the apostolic grant or the tradition and immemorial custom can honour a church as a Basilica.

The architectural designs of the Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, had a profound impression of the Hellenistic principles, which was started by Vitruvius, during the period of Augustus. The mosaics in the interior of Basilica was something out of the world, very extraordinary. The iconographic of Virgin Mary had taken me back to Nazareth, during the birth of Joshua. Whom the Greeks later referred as Jesus. I could also sense the presence of AMA, in the peacefulness of the Basilica. Ama never leaves me anywhere; her omnipresence makes me feel the divine womb, at all time.

Under the high altar of Basilica, was the Bethlehem Crypt, or the Crypt of the Navity. One of the priest told us that, it contained the wood from the Holy Crib of the nativity of Jesus Christ.

My friend told me that the person who we were to meet has arrived, and we were to follow him. I could not fully get to know the Basilica. But it’s the rarest one I have ever been to.

Our journey yet again, took another unusual momentum. We were told to follow a group of pilgrims in their journey to Jerusalem. It was surely to hit an arrow in the dark, since we were also told that there is very little chance to meet the individual. We were also aware, about the circumstance of the igniting war and collisions. Yet, we both were mesmerized, enchanted and attracted toward our journey.

We followed the group! Ahead of us was a long journey. The way of the soul.

After 8 months of our journey, we finally reached Jerusalem.

I was amazed by the beauty and vibrativenss of the sacred land. Yet, I was again sadden by the stupid revolution going on. There was so much hatred in this sacred land. Here, I must ignore the realms of the human history. The tolerance of human beings to take in their stupidity has always amazed me.

We were taken to a very old house. There were 3 children’s playing in front of the house. The person leading us went inside, telling us to wait for a while.

A person in a long Turkish dress, came out, and asked us, to follow him. As we entered the house, we were given different set of clothes to wear. We changed our dress. The touch of the cloth was very soft, and it was very loose.

Then we were taken to a very big empty room. And told to wait again.

After only few minutes, a young women came in and told us to follow her, as we entered the door in the left corridor, she opened a secret door that was going down. She handed over to us the lamp she was carrying and told us to follow the path.

As we entered that secret door, she closed it. We could only see few steps in front of us, made from the light of the lamp. We continuously walked for almost an hour, when we heard some humming sounds. We were excited to finally reach there.

But surprisingly, we walked almost an hour more and the humming sound got stronger but we were absolutely nowhere, just a tunnel leading inside. The lamp went off.

We had no other choice then to go on walking. The humming got stranger. Our eyes somehow got adjusted to the darkness and we could easily figure out the path. The smell of the mud was very strong. And there was some kind of smell of something decaying, may be the human mind.

We were now in front of a bigger chamber, with two different tunnels in front of us. What a wonderful situation it was. Just like chapters of our lives. We decided to go different ways and walk ahead, in the decisions of our beings as the universe withdraws our cycles of our self’s.

After continuously, walking for about four hours, I could barely breathe. The oxygen level was almost zero.

I sat down there in full alertness to my body processes, and with full awareness to my being. I also knew that this was one of the games played by Ama.

The mind was silent. As silent as the vacuum of the universe. The Prana was whirling over to my third eye. The kundalini rising very extraordinarily.

Then the whole penetration of the universal consciousness in me, ‘my being’ was forced out of the Sahasrara Chakra, The crown of my being. I had no head in my body, just a force of whirls continuously turning into nature, the universe, the existence, the ultimate being. I was exploding into the vastness of Samadhi of Samadhi itself.

The taste of Nirvana. I died!

I was no more!

Neither am I!


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