The door of invisible, is The door of visible (Resurrection, 8.4 million life forms and Osiris)

The door to the world of invisible is ever present in the choices of human perception. It might be so that in-order to grasp this understanding is difficult for us as humans. But just take a moment and just sit aside by yourself as the non definable consciousness, and Just Watch. "Observe and Absorb" everything around you, every single detail, every single movement, every pinch of silence. And Just be !

Wake Up, Rise and Shine !

The tales of resurrection can be traced around the world, in all the cultures and religious faiths. To understand this is particularly something of immense value. Lets discuss few ideas in-circling the phenomenon of resurrection. 

What is Resurrection?
The word Resurrection comes from the Latin word 'Resurgere,' where Re means Again, and Surgere means to Rise. So, resurrection means 'To Rise Again'. It does not directly relate to resurrection from Death. But we as the world civilization, have accepted the Christian definition of Resurrection. And we define Resurrection, as something that has to do with being dead, and then being alive again. 

According to Sanatan Dharma, 
A being, of any sort needs to travel through the cycle of 8.4 million life forms to submerge into the unconditional state of existence. Which means, that the being Rises Again, for 8.4 million times, or even more, since there might be degradation to the conscious choices of that being. So, every being resurrects, from a amoeba to a human. It has nothing to do with being a creature of extraordinary order. Yes, it is an extraordinary phenomenon. But not an dogmatic order of poor discussion. 

8.4 Million Resurrection ?? 
Padma Purana, A 5000 year old text writes, 
"jalaja nava lakshani, sthavara laksha vimshati, krimayo rudrasankhyakah, pakshinam dashalakshanam, trinshallakshani pashavah, chatur lakshani manavah," which indicates that there are:

Jalaja (Aquatics) - 0.9 million
Sthavara (Plants and Trees) - 2.0 million
Krimayo (Reptiles) - 1.1 million 
Pakshinam (Birds) - 1.0 million 
Pashavah (Land animals) - 3.0 million 
Manavah (Human-like animals) - 0.4 million 

Total = 8.4 million life forms !

Even as an Evolutionary Process, We have all the information that might be correlated to those life forms. And every life forms matters. So, we are not just this, but the continuous continuum of the whole as the manifestation of beings. The evolution for humans, is toward the higher conscious panel, rather than the cycles of life forms. And this 8.4 million point of view, has also been nearly correct to the scientific findings of Taxonomy, the science of categorization of species. According to the Journal published by PLOS Biology called "How many species are there on Earth and in the Ocean?". The journal comes to the conclusion of 8.7 million species give or take 1.3 million, using complex set of mathematical equation. 8.4 and 8.7, a very close number !

Figure 2 
          Validating the higher taxon approach.

There is a very interesting Myth regarding the death and resurrection of Egyptian King Osiris. Which follows that SET a brother of Osiris, murders him for the throne. Then cuts his body into pieces and throws him in various part of the world. Isis, Osiris's wife then collects the body parts and with her magical power restores him and makes him alive. The myth follows that, Isis conceives a baby from Osiris. Who is later known as Horus, symbolized as a human with the head of Hawk. Horus, later conquest and rules the throne. There is a very deep symbolism used in this myth. But today we only have the story and no clue about what it means. The written form of understanding was destroyed in the great fire in the Library of Alexandria. Some remaining information is kept in what is today known as the Hall of Record, which is said to be located below the Pyramids in Egypt. And there remains a great question of skepticism on whether it actually exists or not.

So, what does the resurrection symbolize in this unusual myth ?
This form of myth particularly deals with the meaning of order and chaos. The cycle between the life and afterlife. The interregnum in the order of understanding. The goddess Isis represents the motherhood. The force of balance in the natural order. So, even here the denotation is to the natural flowing power of nature that balances the bridge of all forms.

There are so many other stories following Resurrection. From Ganesha, the Elephant Headed God, to the Persian god Mithra. And the all known resurrection of Jesus. But we all resurrect. We all live again, everyday.

We sleep and we wake up. We resurrect in the physical sense. Gurdjieff, points out that we never wake up, and the whole humanity is asleep. Waking up means to wake up from the illusion of life. So, the waking up from the illusion of life also signifies, Resurrection. This cycle of Maya, the illusion and Lila, the divine play.
The invisible opens its door as we wake up. There is no story-line to it. Its simple, its here and now.

We need to resurrect from our sleep. We need to wake up. Then we understand that the door of invisible, is the door of visible.


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