I am the box that needs to be opened !

He asked, Do you have the courage to open the box?
I had no answer, I wanted to open it my whole life,
I was stunned, I was afraid,
I did not know what there was!
It didn't felt like the accomplishment, I dreamt of.
Do i want to open it, I asked myself.
And underneath the person I am, the real ONE,
The real one started speaking, GO GET IT !
Its your chance, don't fool around , don't sleep anymore!
Its time for you to wake up,
Its time you must wake up.

The show of the earliest drama i knew, My LIFE,
suddenly was nothing, i just felt empty,
everything i have learnt from day one,
day one of my birth, the day one i wore my personality,
till today, everything started looking fake, i was blur.

Who am i ? the only remaining question of my being
Am i the name given to me by my parents?
Am i the knowledge that i have accumulated?
Am i the reputations that i have earned till today?
Am i just the body occupying certain space ?

If i cant drop my ego, which think its me,
If i cant drop my understanding of my whole being,

I decided to open that box!
The pages stop here!
The end has come!
The cycle no more exists!

I understand now,
I am the box that needs to be opened !
I am the box that needs to be opened !


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