The word REALITY is derived from a Latin word 'realis' which means relating to things. It is a very meaningful word. It explains life in the most clear way. Reality is nothing but what you relate to. Humans have always worked on to understand reality, the whole function of human studies in dimensions of astronomy, anatomy & physiology, biology, meteorology, astrology, oceanology, and geology, and all other forms of studies is basically the human effort to understand life, as the subset of reality. But even with so much of effort, man never understands what reality is. He doesn't even understand his own identity. The very identity that he is bestowed upon at his birth makes him a prisoner in some bounded sense of morality, religion and 'isms'. Which makes him feel away from his true nature. That's why everyone of us, at some period of time, ask ourselves 'WHO AM I ?' Although, we never concretely find the answer. We just play with the insuffic