The Universe that wriggles !

The word REALITY is derived from a Latin word 'realis' which means relating to things. It is a very meaningful word. It explains life in the most clear way. Reality is nothing but what you relate to. Humans have always worked on to understand reality, the whole function of human studies in dimensions of astronomy, anatomy & physiology, biology, meteorology, astrology, oceanology, and geology, and all other forms of studies is basically the human effort to understand life, as the subset of reality.

But even with so much of effort, man never understands what reality is. He doesn't even understand his own identity. The very identity that he is bestowed upon at his birth makes him a prisoner in some bounded sense of morality, religion and 'isms'. Which makes him feel away from his true nature. That's why everyone of us, at some period of time, ask ourselves 'WHO AM I ?' Although, we never concretely find the answer. We just play with the insufficient play of words trying to explain what it is. 

हामी जुन अर्थमा आफुलाई परिचय दिन्छौ, हामी त्येही नै बन्छौ | मनीषको खोज सधैब, आफ्नो अस्तित्वको हुन्छ | घर, परिवार, मित्र, सम्पति, देखि लिएर कुनै राज्य सम्म, मनिष आफुलाई बनाउन खोज्छ, आफुलाई पूर्णता तिर लैजान खोज्छ | त्यसै क्रममा मनिष आफ्नो अर्थलाई अहंकार संग जोडेर हेर्न थाल्छ | एलेन वाट्सले येसो हुनुलाई बिपरित संयोगहरु (coincidence of opposites) भनेका छन् | 

The fundamental delusion that hunts the human is the vagueness of life that one feels in his heart after doing everything possible to understand it. Even, Albert Einstein after all his efforts and accomplishments to understand the life (Unified Field Theory), is still hunted by the vagueness of reality. In his letter to Queen Elizabeth he write, "Still there are moments when one feels free from one’s own identification with human limitations and inadequacies. At such moments, one imagines that one stands on some spot of a small planet, gazing in amazement at the cold yet profoundly moving beauty of the eternal, the unfathomable: life and death flow into one, and there is neither evolution nor destiny; only being."

आइंस्टीन पक्कै पनि एक ऋषि थिए | उनको यो भनाइले 'सत्यम शिवम सुन्दरम' को अर्थलाई सरललै जिबन्त रुप दिन्छ | महर्षि महेश योगीले त्यसैलाई 'PURE BEING' भनेर बुजाउनु भएको छ | The being of limitless conciosus intelligence in its pure creative state. जुन जिबनको वास्तविक रुप हो |

Einstein in one of his other letter writes, "A human being is a part of the whole, called by us “Universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. "

हाम्रो संसार एक अद्भुत प्रणाली हो | जसको फैलाब र एकताले जिबनको स्वोरुप लिन्छ (पुरुष र प्रकृति) | यो स्वोरुप कहिले सप्राण हुन्छ त कहिले आफैमा बिलिन हुन्छ | वेदले जिबनलाई 'माया' को परिभाषा दिएको छ (An Eternal Cosmic Illusion) |If once we try to put down all our perspectives and ideas, and just become one with whatever there is, its the unity with the universe. Now at that period of time we are not pretending to be something else, but we just become one with the continuity of the universe. We are the universe. Here and now !

बुद्धले हाम्रो जिबनको परम छयणलाई निर्वाणको संज्ञा दिएका छन् | Which simply means that a human that is one with the ultimate nothingness that makes up everything that exists. निर्वाणको अर्थ संस्कृतमा दियो को निभ्नु हो | There is absolutely no word that can explain this. But we might take it as the Void, beyond time, space and light. Or, from where the time, space and light originates. 

So, The whole point is that there is no point. Just the universe that wriggles.


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