The Human Brain and Spiritual Experiences !

The consciousness taking a certain leap has some significant impact on the human mind. Likewise the brain structures impacts the way it happens and the neurons plays a very significant role on the happening.

The Endocrine Glands co-relating with the Sympathetic Nervous Systems gives a doorway to certain realization and recollection of memories, waving along the spinal cord. This biological electromagnetic spectrum's makes us encounter life as we know it. 

The twelve pairs of Cranial Nerves exploding out of the brain stems working as the pathways for the sensory neurons to play along with the varied systems creating perception of our body. Once one jumps inward the same pathway works for the extra sensory perceptions. Which is excessively explained in cultures all around the world. The Ganzfeld Experiment, is one of the very profound experiments carried out in understanding ESP. The various meditative encounters are also the expansion of ESP, if we ought to talk about it very crudely. 

The Reticular Activating System in the brain, which works for the sleep-wake transition in the human body is also responsible for the conscious-unconscious transition spiritually. This is why sometimes its reffered to as gate keeper in eccentric philosophies. The Limbic System that works as the house of emotion plays a role in the jump to supra consciousness. The Limbic System of Buddha is very calm, silent and unperturbed. 

The Pituitary and Pineal gland are also the part of the Limbic system. They regulate the human nature and human forces in various static and kinetic dimensions. Once fully activated this glands transforms the human being as an explosion. Which we refer to as Samadhi, or Enlightenment. 

The jump into the unknown.

The use of incense, light, bells, mantras, chants, dongs, and all kind of religiously used instruments and objects are actually the tools for humans to understand the human senses and go beyond it. The practice of Tantra is the most well developed forms of experimentation on human senses and sense beyond it. Be it sex or the pleasure of eating a pie. 


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