The new dimension of Education: the head, the heart and the mind !
Education, should be for hand, heart and the head. But sadly, the present system of education around the world only knows of two aspects, the hand and the head. The heart is not just missed but kicked out. Heart, is completely lost. It's time that the system must allow heart to come in. Its time that the heart should lead. Its time to be courageous. Courage comes from the word cor, which means the heart. The schools, should not only teach rhymes to the kids but to the teens and the teachers as well. If possible, to the parents too. We have forgotten to sing and dance beyond movies, parties and theaters. Its time that art should come in, as the major subjects like Science, Maths and English . Some more dance, some more music and some more fun. All in all, some more peace within the human being. Its time for us as a generation to open our shoes and feel the earth. Our toes are blind as our eyes. They have forgotten the taste of the grass and mud. We as humans have forgotte