The Vipassana Highs !!

The bliss entails
this miraculous zazen 
of continuously moving breaths
this lotus tail cycle's the trails of 
pariyatti and patipatti
word and wordlessness !

Inseparable movement of
Sat Chit Ananda 
the spine of appearance into 
insights of wisdom !

This lucidity of non-separation is
gravitational center 
of being the sight and 
the pillars of breaths 
take it in, all in-
take it out, all out-
to the gradually moving 
consciousness games 
of dis-solution and absolution !

This introspection of
watching that which sit's, 
moves ahead in loops
and grooves in-
inside all that which is 
ostensibly beautiful 
steadily fixed !

The pool of universally 
weaved tranquility:
are the flowers of Vipassana Highs !


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