The new dimension of Education: the head, the heart and the mind !

Education, should be for hand, heart and the head. But sadly, the present system of education around the world only knows of two aspects, the hand and the head. The heart is not just missed but kicked out. Heart, is completely lost.

It's time that the system must allow heart to come in. Its time that the heart should lead. Its time to be courageous. Courage comes from the word cor, which means the heart.

The schools, should not only teach rhymes to the kids but to the teens and the teachers as well. If possible, to the parents too. We have forgotten to sing and dance beyond movies, parties and theaters.

Its time that art should come in, as the major subjects like Science, Maths and English . Some more dance, some more music and some more fun. All in all, some more peace within the human being.

Its time for us as a generation to open our shoes and feel the earth. Our toes are blind as our eyes. They have forgotten the taste of the grass and mud. We as humans have forgotten the warmth of our mother earth, our mother nature.

The more I look at it, the more it becomes clear to me that, humans are actually becoming more mechanistic and dull. The beauty is lost. People are too engaged caring for money, prosperity and status. Those who are not are following opposite attraction (sex). And finally those who in the name of freedom and being artistic are more blind toward their ego, or the doctrine they believe in.

My brother had exams few days ago. And he has to study poems and essays in so much pain, just to pass out and move. The learning was absolutely zero. I have always respected my brother, for being beautifully synced with heart. Very warm and caring. Very friendly and intelligent. But in our educational arena, he never has a place. He was always the sidekick of the system. I feel sad not for my brother but for the system that they are missing a potential Aristophanes, or Charlie Chaplin.

The brutal and bullying economic, social and political system has nearly ruined our civilization as a whole. Either its Communist or Congress. The ideologies comes with a ego minded and power centric vision. Which might benefit the idea but not the people it is meant for.

I personally believe that the competition and career oriented education system is responsible for this outburst of pain and suffering through out the world. In term of religion, philosophy or political orientation. The education system is the root cause of our problem. The focus is not on what a student learns, but on how much grades he can earn. Or how much he can mug up and repeat. The fun is lost.

Learning is not for the whole phenomenon of learning. Its just a tool or a bus to get somewhere and prove to the society that, s/he reached there and made a name and status for themselves.

Within my family, and the people we are around to, we have tried to not focus on where to reach and what to get, how much marks and all that bullshit. We have tried to create some dance, some songs, some harmony and some peace. And it has worked not just for us, but for some of our friends and families. We have actually got out of the grid that people say, is impossible. The priority we have, is to live life without any rules and regulation. We live with self discipline. We live with love. We live in harmony. We are always eager to share, care and grow.

So its possible. But its only possible when we start from ourselves, from every individual, from every person. And the system will change.

In Economics, there is a law called demand and supply. Where creating enough supply means that the demand will be met. So, if we can change in 10's and 100's and 100's and so on. There will be the supply. May be less, but there will be. And that's how it starts. Not by complaining or winning about politics and poverty and all kind of things. A journey of thousand miles begins from the single step.

If you want change, change yourself. Change is an existential orchestra. Start from the family, start from a friend. I can proudly say, I did it, it is possible.
Can you ?


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