Love, it evolves like the reflecting moon !

Let me trunk myself

into your beauty.
Which comes to me as crossword puzzles 
& let me solve myself in you.

Glide me into yourself as your voice
lips to lips- into your space, 
Hitchhiker, I am
jumping all over to find the roots, 
Let me be your servant, 
so that I can serve you my dance. 

Let me be you, 
your sight, your smell, your touch.

Let me be you, 
your soul, this universe and all universes.

This world, then would be a thunder-
where I live, as you, 
and give birth to myself;
as me and as you. 

"Love, it evolves like the reflecting moon"
where she comes, 
and moves the oceans, 
and then she leaves, 
to come again !


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