The miracle of life.

There are few things, 

that have touched me 
through the spine-
and set fire to whoever
this man might be !

Which makes me question
everything that it is,
That life is known for. 

Because the more closely
I look at it, the more & 
more things get lost. 
The more meanings get lost !

The more I move toward it, 
the more I vanish into thin air. 
I just vanish away. Slowly. Slooowwwly !

But it's so fast that;
one cannot capture those 
moments into memories.
And one just vanishes.

The heart is full of fire,
ice and air, and love, 
and pleasure, and bliss. 
But there is no heart at all.

And the mind is full of wisdom, 
smokes, dust, dirt, feelings,
emotions, information, knowledge, 
things and wisdom. 
But there is no mind. 

And that's the miracle of life. 


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