Meditation !

You see my friend, 

You live in a fantasy wonderland that you have created. Now when I say fantasy don't take it as something only with pleasures and happiness, the fantasy land also consists of pain and suffering.

That's why you seek, all kind of nonsense to convert those pains and suffering into bliss. The whole problem that you look upon is the problem of not being blissful. The constant longing for sex and love. 

Yet, the problem is not there at all. The problem is that what you think is reality, is nothing more than your own fantasy world. Which is created with your own perception. Look around you, Look everywhere, the whole life is created on the basis of your perception. 

And if you cant see that, just look at it as the form of your own ego. My house, my family, My religion, My country, all those I, My and Mine. Isn't that your perception. 

If someday you suffer from Alzheimer you will forget everything. Then those games of I, my and Mine is of no use. It was just a perception that made you think that you did have something that was yours. But it isn't. 

You see, this is the fundamental illusion of life. You think that you are, but you are not. And this is what the Cycle of life means, in correct sense it means cycles of ego, the ego self. 

And this state that you cherish so much, is nothing, absolutely nothing. 

Now you can take it in a pessimistic and optimistic and all kind of istics and isms. Doesn't matter. 

So, now the question comes to life, What is meditation ?

Meditation is to be aware and watchful about the fact that you are nothing in terms of what you have made yourself as. Meditation is to be awake. To be here and now. Without any perception, without your wonderful wonderland. 

Meditation is the love affair with the cosmos, where your ego is not just a body vested with a name, but whatever there is, the whole cosmos. 

Meditation is life. 


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