
Showing posts from May, 2013

I became the Ocean !

As I reached the edge of the land, From where the sea began and grew,  All water, till the void reached the color blue,  She looked at me and smiled with adieu,  Mother Earth, flourished as the nature,  I could see people jumping around her,  Swimming, the banana boat, and even the riders,  I could see the unsung harmony of the ripples, The waves come along, kisses my legs with her touch,  And dances over all over, again and again,  I slowly fade away into the breeze along the smell,  Smell of water that I had never ever felt,  I become one with the whole as if the roots holding a tree,  I am the waves kissing myself over again,  I am the boat seen far into the sky of ocean,  I am the mother carrying the child in her arms,  I am the ocean dancing and jumping around,  Time seems to be of no burden as the space,  It feels as if I am hovering in the open sky,  ...

The I that calls You ! And the You who is the I !

Connecting the dots of puzzles, where the question is about the life and death, is very wonderful and at times very irrational. But that's how life works, that's the whole meaning of being alive. The mystery of not knowing. Its all so woogly boogly that we all tend to allow ourselves to forget the magic of mystery and become in-tuned with the  monotony which we call living. And yet life brings moments that brings us back to the whole game of getting drunk with the universe. We all are kids, in our core, searching for the irrational, for fairy tales and the magic, we now just pretend not to see it everywhere. We have got ourselves trained to be mundane. Otherwise, even a flower growing up is magical and stars in the night sky is amazing, marvelous. The bird singing and the tress dancing with the wind, just look closely, you will see a dance that is going on everywhere, in peace and in chaos. Now, coming back to the life-death phenomenon. I assume that none of us know how...

Life: Weirdly Simple!

Some-days, I see that as people have been moving in circles again and again, on the same way, with the same mistakes, like a clock going round and round, people tend to cycle the monotony of life, same cycle again and again, and it seems that they forget that this is the same moment lived again, and the same mistake made again, its the same form of causality, which is created with the very funny bind that people tend to have and forget about. Yes, in some way the notion of monotony is very vague and ridiculous because it seems that life is beautiful, but on the other side of the same coin, the reluctant mind, and the grasp of forbidden uselessness of life resits marvelously, and one sees that life has no meaning with all its doodles! Somehow, the all mighty nature seems, to be very unnatural to defining self, we call as individuals, primarily, very interconnected with the continuous feel of the boredom. Yet, one tries to overlook that and go again li...

What is not love ?

Humanized in this physical manifestation called body, and segmented by the feel of life, in-terms of the ego, segregating itself into various forms, it is very essential for me to gain an insight, or more-over find the meaning when one talks of Love. And reasonably, everyone around the world, each and every person, of any race, creed or religion, necessarily talks about the feeling that is called love. Might be in multiple criterion's of the word, or the feel that it brings in. Love, is the most costly and the cheapest word, that is invented by humanity. As, I have observed, along the way of my growth, internally and externally, it seems to me that when most of the people are stating about love, it has two means and ends, which has something to do with the biological fringe and psychological manifestation of the body-mind attraction experience. And this is a very mechanical way of stating about love. It also seems that "love" is used in a fancy ...

The tunnel of reality, as the human deception !

As I get myself to understand the core function of the physical reality and the non physical reality. I seem to be moving back and forth, just like a heart beat. Its so amazing how the foundation of the mind, consciousness and the feel of reality has been coded into the functions of human life. So when I recollect myself, to comprehensively explain the process of this tunnel of reality, I have to track down and jump down the fence of deception. And its worth the ride, its worth the truth. And I presume, that truth is the ultimate power that gifts the understanding of life. Either, the truth is favorable to a person or it might be devastating. Yet, Truth is a neutral path, it has nothing to do with being good and bad. It has to do with the acceptance of what is, as it is, not the formulation of mind, that brings in what ought to be, as the need of ego. Reality is as simple as a bee flying to feed on a flower. Wohooooo!!  Now being said, that reality is...

I call the beauty of life !

I am surprised at times to see how stupid we are, not only me, not only you, all of us. And I am not just stating this as a philosophical quote but as a truth identified in words. In the ocean of life, from our evolution to the development of civilization, then the evolution of civilization to the advancement of technology, What have we done, beside dividing this only habitable planet known in the entire universe.  Our education system tends to flourish the sense of competition and ego in our children, dividing each other in terms of knowledge and information, in terms of superiority. Our Science tends to work for the fulfillment of the ego sense of the countries, politicians and corrupted minds. Our politics is a game of divide and conquer. Our religions tends to differentiate us as the people of god, and there are many god that are manufactured, and with each god, the humanity is broken and divided again.  Around 25000 people die ev...

You are Magical, Yes You !

You see my friend, when it all started at the very big bang, you were there, you were it. And the whole 13.77 Billion years has evolved into you, each dust particle, every supernova, all the galaxies, you are it. You are playing along with the existence, and you are so good at this role that you have forgotten that; you are playing the game, you have been so in-tuned in the game that you have become the game. You have just forgotten that you are the play that you are playing. You, and I we are the same players of this universe, divided harmoniously, now you wont say that the earth is different from the universe will you, earth is the part of universe. One needs to look inside that formulation of universe as the earth, or the earths expansion is the universe. But we have definitely been, misguided with the  billions of years of play, now we see us as individuals, as an ego moving on to ego. For that very reason, as an error in the mechanism...

Murmer of the Universe !

The perspective of thoughts, is very mysterious, either thought determines the mind, so its not at all the mind phenomenon or is it that the mind makes up the thought. Or its just the murmer of the universe.Science tends to tell us that its the minds vibration undergoing the process created by external stimuli that creates the thoughts and makes us what we are, but i am not sure if its all the truth. Just think about it, its not so rational even if its the best explanation that one can create. The human existence is not only a mystery, its the ultimate question of the universe as being. What makes up what we are, what makes up the living, the existence, the nature, the universe. Is it  just a unknown calculative force, or is it the process of the unprepossessing processes creating the process. There seems to be a mathematical calculation behind the grid of human existence expanding through-out the universe, like the nerves expands through out the body...

The Violence of Education System !

We can see that education system all over the world, at its best, as it assumes to be, is trying to teach something to the mind of an individual, the process which is thought to be something helpful to live the life. The main agenda being   educating people and shaping minds. There is also one more specialized element of making a person creative, through the process of learning. The process of education looks to be a mechanism of producing something called a educated human. I assume, we have no trouble in accepting the fact that education in school cannot educate a single mind. Off-course there is a procedures of sharing information that's it, I don't see anything more in this place called school. One might disagree with me, but look closely schools use the students as a bucket to fill information, data, and facts and label them educated if they can recall all the things given to them. Which is said to be the societal standard of a educated hu...

You exist, because you don't exist !

Its like a creepy illusion that you know is illusionous but you are afraid to admit it, gone so deep down the subconscious that now you don't even know who you are, you have forgotten it, its like a dream where you are everything, but not just you, And its like the Facebook wall that you decorate, all in, and all out, where one might see the projection that you have made, but its not you. You just need to wake up, After that there also, the land beyond the land, you are just the fragment of illusion, you still don't know why you exist and who you are. You woke up from the dream within the dream. You wake up again, again and again! The dream within the dream within the dream within the dream still continues, its as if the big bag was the dream within the dream, where in the dream of this dream within that dream started!Its not just the inception, which today is the fancy word for the dream within the dream ! It goes far deeper, far into the void, far into the ...

On Sex: Jung and Freud !

The works of Freud, has some very astounding findings, the human instinct and the correlation with the sexuality. Which clearly boggles the mind of every human being, its a very basic and the natural phenomenon. Which is also, backed up by the works of Maslow, where he explains that the human needs starts from his biology.  But what Freud could not understand is that the finding does not end there, but starts there with. And that's what Carl Gustav Jung explains when he talks about the nature of human mind and the consciousness, from sexuality toward the higher self. And this was magnificently explained in the book, "FROM SEX TO SALVATION", by Osho. But it seems that people are very ignorant, and they ignore the book only because it uses the word sex, and it gets the title of being vulgar. Next the way I have seen the fellow travelers of the unknown approaching the book with just the instinct of sexuality and walking the same path, overlooking the questions that s...

Humanity: the lab rat !

When one looks at the night sky, which is there naked and awake, one doesn't say that, look there is a cute star, there is a fat one, there is an ugly one ! I wonder why when it comes to the human world, there exist the tyranny of the polarity in thinking, right and the wrong , ugly and beautiful. And this is what the world markets, worlds sexiest men, the sexiest women alive, miss world. Life just seem to be something very subjective and people doesn't seem to realize this basic fact, and just follow the mass in hysteria. Is it that people are very stupid that they cant see that they are actually stupid not to see the beauty of life and think that they are living a very perfect life which is marketed in the media everyday. Everyone in the world is beautiful, unique and has a very special imprint of the universe. Imagine everyone looking alike, a girl looks like another girl and all the girls look alike and same goes to the boys. Where would we be ? The world w...