Murmer of the Universe !

The perspective of thoughts, is very mysterious, either thought determines the mind, so its not at all the mind phenomenon or is it that the mind makes up the thought. Or its just the murmer of the universe.Science tends to tell us that its the minds vibration undergoing the process created by external stimuli that creates the thoughts and makes us what we are, but i am not sure if its all the truth. Just think about it, its not so rational even if its the best explanation that one can create.

The human existence is not only a mystery, its the ultimate question of the universe as being. What makes up what we are, what makes up the living, the existence, the nature, the universe. Is it  just a unknown calculative force, or is it the process of the unprepossessing processes creating the process.

There seems to be a mathematical calculation behind the grid of human existence expanding through-out the universe, like the nerves expands through out the body. The mandala of the universe, the brain within the brain, where its not just the calculative phenomenon, but what is making the creative force, the power of creation, like the seed growing to be the next seed, the continuum of unknown, and the byproduct of the process, as the universe itself.

The golden string of the existence binned by the secret force of calculation, sometime refers as the Fibonacci  that not only makes the very flower of universe to the spirals of mind, but the entire universe, in the chaos of what we see in our daily life; to the movement of time and space, within the very fabric of its foundations, where in seems to be the sequence, very appealing and forming the formation as what it is.

The teaching of impermanence in Buddhism, and the illusionous nature of the existence called Maya in Hinduism, the free flow of universe as is as the concept of Zarathustra, or the proclamation of I am that, I am, made by Moses after returning from the Sinai Mountain. And even the nature of universe explained in term of quanta by physics, or the god particle, in a continuous process of forming matter out of the non matter. The rationale seems to be as that which creates, is that which is not, and both doesn't matter,  either permanent or impermanent, either that is or that is not. What holds, as truth is, living with the flow of the universe as it intends to be and unknown vibrative force of universe, governing it.

The mind of this individual wonders, into the vivid nothingness of the self consciousness and the catastrophes of the known  ignorance that is designed to explain stuff, not making sense of whatever it is, eat, work, sleep, learn, become, then what? Merely, the phenomenon is not just the  boredom of eternity, living after-all is a collective boredom, how much ever magnificent it seems to be, and if its so, then why live in terms of judgments created by the society of ignorant people, trying to give meaning to the universe and the very life as what life is.

So then the question arises, why does it matters, and why does it not. As Shakespeare says, "to be or not to be". 


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