I call the beauty of life !

I am surprised at times to see how stupid we are, not only me, not only you, all of us. And I am not just stating this as a philosophical quote but as a truth identified in words.

In the ocean of life, from our evolution to the development of civilization, then the evolution of civilization to the advancement of technology, What have we done, beside dividing this only habitable planet known in the entire universe. 

Our education system tends to flourish the sense of competition and ego in our children, dividing each other in terms of knowledge and information, in terms of superiority. Our Science tends to work for the fulfillment of the ego sense of the countries, politicians and corrupted minds. Our politics is a game of divide and conquer. Our religions tends to differentiate us as the people of god, and there are many god that are manufactured, and with each god, the humanity is broken and divided again. 

Around 25000 people die everyday because of hunger, and this particular year the research suggests that around  7615360 people would die by starving. In every 3.6 second that you are reading this, a person is dying of hunger out there somewhere. This is really sad. And I ask to everyone of us, are these death really necessary.

Everyone of us must get the opportunity to live our life, pursue the path of self exploration. And understand the beauty of life with our experience. Look at us, in-order to maintain the economy of an individual nation, we can sacrifice thousand of life. You see, in the United Stated alone around 40 million tones of food is wasted by the households, with out considering the food being dumped. Recent surveys suggest that the US, UK and EU, has almost the double food stock that is needed for the population. 

The whole worlds food problems and millions of deaths because of hunger and malnutrition could be virtually reduced to zero, if we can share what we have among each other. And this can only be possible if we drop the game of You and Me, Your Country and My Country, This Religion and That Religion, and what not. We actually are the most ignorant and stupid race of animals. 

The more we are growing in the dimension of life, we are becoming more and more animalistic and cruel.  And this makes me think again, about the conspiracy stuff that is being talked about all over the internet that there is a mass manipulation and a hidden group of people that are trying to control over the planet with their stupidity and ego. If not, then we, as humans, have free will, love, affection, natural morals and care for each other, but that all vanishes into the thin air in this world of order which we are building. This planet that we seem to be building seems nothing more than a madhouse. 

Now, I am calling to those who can see that we are not ignorant little animals. We are the part of this blue planet which can only sustain life in this universe known to us. Its time for us to drop all these nonsense that we have been bundling up for generations. And its not a matter of choice, but the necessity of the human kind to flourish into the dimensions that is possible, and that is the only way toward peace and cooperation. 

We are capable of changing our world. You and I are the one who can change the world. We are ones who can possible attain the greatness of being just by realizing our natural behavior. The development of our kind, should be the development of the peace within us, and it is also so, its just that we have overlooked it, and followed a path of monotony and hatred. A path of ignorance and hypocrisy.

But I still have hope in humanity, I still have hope in us, that we would do anything to save  the common heritage of the whole humanity, this beautiful planet, which we called Earth. And as we become unified, the natural miracle would amaze us, the harmony and the beauty of nature and existence. Life filling the puzzle of life itself. Lets not pretend to be something which we are not, we are all one species of life, who are capable to touch the feet of life in all its glory and abundance. We are humans, the explorer of the universe, with in us, and expanding throughout the universe. We all are the hidden Buddha. 

I call upon those, Whp are humans. I call upon those, We have eyes and ears. I call the beauty of life.


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