Life: Weirdly Simple!

Some-days, I see that as people have been moving in circles again and again, on the same way, with the same mistakes, like a clock going round and round, people tend to cycle the monotony of life, same cycle again and again, and it seems that they forget that this is the same moment lived again, and the same mistake made again, its the same form of causality, which is created with the very funny bind that people tend to have and forget about. Yes, in some way the notion of monotony is very vague and ridiculous because it seems that life is beautiful, but on the other side of the same coin, the reluctant mind, and the grasp of forbidden uselessness of life resits marvelously, and one sees that life has no meaning with all its doodles!

Somehow, the all mighty nature seems, to be very unnatural to defining self, we call as individuals, primarily, very interconnected with the continuous feel of the boredom. Yet, one tries to overlook that and go again living the same degree of false attitude to life, and for this, thousands of literature is there, doctrines and religions, backing up and a human seem to get in that matrix again. That is a easy way out. And its very understandable, that, a spiritual journey or the path of knowing the self is stated as the courageous jump in the ocean. And it is so, its the jump in the unknown, where whatever known is devastated completely, its a process of  de-materialization of the classified godliness of life, all goes in the recycle bean.

And humans seem to look into the criterion's of living that is shown in the movie and media. Love, is bitterly classified in-terms of what people watch in television. The ugly sense of comparison of beauty is born. The output is people tend to be too dramatic about the fiction that they have created and pretend that, love is this.  The problem, with this aspect of movies, is the dramatic influence of movies to a human mind, making the fiction of life more fictitious, and the facts and life, are torn down into pieces, put in a bottle, and thrown in the ocean somewhere. Love, now its defined, and that's foolish, the universal offering of unconditional gratitude to life, does not work, in the give and take scenario that we have made it to appear, and are going through that pages again and again, over and over. The subtle and magical aspect of the free flow, has actually been cut off, and has devastated the  meaning of life, and love. Which is the same actualization of the nature.

But inside this ignorance, still there are some fringe of reaction which seems to be irrational but authentic, that keeps us all going, moving on, and that too is used in a vague and notorious way to incubate the human mind.  Life is calculated in term of possession, my house, my mom, my wife, my car, my religion, my country, my world. We try to define ourselves in what we possess, and if that possession goes away, then we seem to be becoming more sadistic and unreal.

Its like a boy and girl, falling in love, and the boy going away to some other place, now the connection of possession is gone, both the boy and the girl are now afraid that they might be possessed by someone else, because of this feeling many books are written, poems come to life, but i am calling all these false. This is just opposite to what love is. There can never be distance between the lovers, because in love lovers become the love itself. So apart, even if you hug a tree, then you are hugging the person, the roots of the tree connect to everyone of us, the earth is the same expansion of land, without even one knowing it, the wind passing by, exists upon the same fabric of space that we exist upon. Love is to feel connected in a cosmic way, not only feel its to experience and realize the oneness of the universe, not merely the game of possession.

So DejaVu, lets imagine this in this way, that our mind and body, since works as the device to capture the frequencies of all sort, it might be relevant that the universe moving in certain time and space dimension is tapped into the creative reality of the next moment into this moment, and then we feel that the present is actually felt, but the reality might actually be that we were a wiggly glitch of the universal quantum mechanics, and life is then free flow beyond the matrix. And this realization is the Krishna realization, the Buddha realization.

Life, is wierdly simple.
Life expands through the Universe, which is actually Youniverse, all connected, all one !


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