The I that calls You ! And the You who is the I !

Connecting the dots of puzzles, where the question is about the life and death, is very wonderful and at times very irrational. But that's how life works, that's the whole meaning of being alive. The mystery of not knowing. Its all so woogly boogly that we all tend to allow ourselves to forget the magic of mystery and become in-tuned with the  monotony which we call living. And yet life brings moments that brings us back to the whole game of getting drunk with the universe. We all are kids, in our core, searching for the irrational, for fairy tales and the magic, we now just pretend not to see it everywhere. We have got ourselves trained to be mundane. Otherwise, even a flower growing up is magical and stars in the night sky is amazing, marvelous. The bird singing and the tress dancing with the wind, just look closely, you will see a dance that is going on everywhere, in peace and in chaos.

Now, coming back to the life-death phenomenon. I assume that none of us know how our body works, how the pineal gland functions, how the thyroid glands function and all the minute detail of the body works upon itself in the metabolism of the molecular elements, which comprises and makes up the body. So remembering the self is non remembering the self, no self needs to remember that it is the self, its the self itself. Life is the experience of life that one has, And death is the experience of the self consisted within the individual life that we consider as me and you. And then the life and the cycle flows all over again, no one will be locked up in heaven and hell forever, to eternity. There is no point for the existence to do so, life wont work in the vacuum of space, rather it flows in the moment of  experiencing it, living it, designing it, and enjoying it, and there is no creator. Life undergoing life.

Alan Watts, puts it in a very imaginative way, to go to sleep and never wake up. After which the sleep would be the waking up and the waking up would be the sleep, in cycle. If one concentrates in this very understanding of going to sleep and never waking up, it really brings in a multidimensional understanding toward life, a very magical approach of understanding. Again, think that one never goes to sleep and what was it like, that would just be the life that is in sleeping as the life that is not sleeping. So either asleep or not, it all seems to be a dream, the drama. And that's the experience of life, that's the play. Its very magnificent that the order is in the disorder and the disorder gets birth in the order. The life is the vacuum of life within the vacuum of the life. Its the continuous "wow" phenomenon, as well as its a continuous slap in the face if one can see the illusion of the life and the reality of the design of the illusion.

Everyone calls themselves I, And all you are you. So all experience of I is the experience of other I's in different forms of I but all I are I and all You are You. Who is that you, when you call someone you, and that person calls you the you that he sees, and The I's in the both side talking to the You, and the You being the I.   So in this vast universe, full with billions of galaxies, where-ever the life exists all the yous are the I's, no-matter where the life is born, here in earth or in earth like planets billions of light years away. Its all I. And everyone of us can see that very clearly, but we tend to un-see it. No one needs to remember it, we all know it very well. The past is there as the experience that the present had, and the future that will come and prevail and then go being the past. Life is the continuous happening. Here and Now !

Look at this from another view, the sun doesn't need to know that it is shining, it just shines bright as its the way the universe experiences the sun, and the suns beam holds the secret to life, creates the life. And the way you breathe, you don't think of breathing and that holds you, and everyone else you know. So we all are the unique blend of life flourished in the beam of light that makes up the platform for water and makes us breathe the air that is there because the suns beam is there, making it the atmosphere and the universe expanded here with and vice-versa. Life is just the process of learning and it happens without a master plan, and the process of educating as such. And that itself is a miracle, isn't it ?

The basis of this all as we look into a scientific understanding is that this individual body, is the merge of billions of atoms making it so complex that it brings itself to life, as an individual universe itself, just close your eyes and let go of everything just for a mere second and you will know what I am trying to convey. If my eyes are the eyes of this individual then I am as equal to the universe that is the whole. Its all me, my cells makes up me, so does the I makes up the universe, and the cell makes up the universe and the universe makes up the cell, and forms the me that calls itself I, which is me so universe is as equal to me as I am to the universe. But then we detach our-self from this whole and try to convince that I am something that is in this body. And stating that as a very functional form as the ego. You are not the EGO !


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