Humanity: the lab rat !

When one looks at the night sky, which is there naked and awake, one doesn't say that, look there is a cute star, there is a fat one, there is an ugly one ! I wonder why when it comes to the human world, there exist the tyranny of the polarity in thinking, right and the wrong , ugly and beautiful. And this is what the world markets, worlds sexiest men, the sexiest women alive, miss world. Life just seem to be something very subjective and people doesn't seem to realize this basic fact, and just follow the mass in hysteria. Is it that people are very stupid that they cant see that they are actually stupid not to see the beauty of life and think that they are living a very perfect life which is marketed in the media everyday.

Everyone in the world is beautiful, unique and has a very special imprint of the universe. Imagine everyone looking alike, a girl looks like another girl and all the girls look alike and same goes to the boys. Where would we be ? The world would  be a very monotonous place. The universe has made us all so unique in our own way, yet so interconnected to each other. However, we seem not to be regarding this as a part of our life and fulfilling and living a very business attitude to life. The cream you put changes the skin color, you will be fair looking. The perfume will give you attitude that will attract other. Shampoo, dress, the tooth brush and what not. It looks to me that the humanity with so much potentiality today is just the lab rat of experiment. Very vulnerable, and very pathetic. The worst part is that they don't even realize that they are living in an open cage. 

You and I, everyone, we have such a wonderful life in our hand, so clear, so beautiful, which can be approached by anyone, absolutely anyone without any discrimination amongst each other, full of love and compassion. The whole world is our home, our mother. Yet, we have divided it like pathetic ignorant bastards. Imagine how a fish would react if you say you cant migrate to the other side of the reef, he would say, are you nuts, why not ? And you say that's their country and this is mine. Then the fish would say, but the ocean is just one, its the same flow, same cycle, same mechanism, so why its his and its yours, are you stupid, why don't you enjoy the whole ocean as one country. Why not enjoy the whole land as one country. 

My my, this humanity is really in a very deep sleep, in a very inductive hypnosis of believing that you are something which you are not ! 
Wake up my fellow being, Wake up !


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