What is not love ?

Humanized in this physical manifestation called body, and segmented by the feel of life, in-terms of the ego, segregating itself into various forms, it is very essential for me to gain an insight, or more-over find the meaning when one talks of Love. And reasonably, everyone around the world, each and every person, of any race, creed or religion, necessarily talks about the feeling that is called love. Might be in multiple criterion's of the word, or the feel that it brings in. Love, is the most costly and the cheapest word, that is invented by humanity.

As, I have observed, along the way of my growth, internally and externally, it seems to me that when most of the people are stating about love, it has two means and ends, which has something to do with the biological fringe and psychological manifestation of the body-mind attraction experience. And this is a very mechanical way of stating about love. It also seems that "love" is used in a fancy way of business and the idea of possession over certain person or thing. A possession-less, love is rarely seen. Psychologist, suggest even a mom-children love relation has a very crucial and subtle surface where it is about possession, rather than what the world presume to be unconditional.

We have a very unusual way of explaining about love, we say, he fell in love. So in the way of its vernacular , it seem to be something used as surrender point, without intention, that is inbound like gravity. But beyond that cosmology of words, we can see that Love, is a pain in ass, for variety of people. Its a monotony of actions and fun with the feelings, its like a doodling of two children fighting over a remote control for the control of large scale television, as their, collective effort of making life. It seems, in a way, that what I am stating is offending the regularized mind, which might argue that necessarily no one can explain love and its not right to do so. And accept that, but if so, the humanity full of people loving each other, getting married, producing babies, perusing the observation of love making, and an emotional orgy of relationship with each other in various names, seems to be down facing and rapidly moving towards the end of the known humanity. Its irrational, and not inclusive to the idea that the humanity that feels love in everyday life is facing depressing problem and living a very sadistic life, so, there must be a gap here, where Love is not even born in a heart of human, and what is described as love is just a attraction and feeling of possession and exploitation.

So, for the convince of the words, love is not what love is, the way it is presented and explained. Love is not the marketed phenomenon shown in movies, songs and explained in religious doctrine. If it actually was, then the world would definitely be full with devotion to each other, gratitude, trust and friendliness among people.


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