You are Magical, Yes You !

You see my friend, when it all started at the very big bang, you were there, you were it. And the whole 13.77 Billion years has evolved into you, each dust particle, every supernova, all the galaxies, you are it. You are playing along with the existence, and you are so good at this role that you have forgotten that; you are playing the game, you have been so in-tuned in the game that you have become the game. You have just forgotten that you are the play that you are playing.

You, and I we are the same players of this universe, divided harmoniously, now you wont say that the earth is different from the universe will you, earth is the part of universe. One needs to look inside that formulation of universe as the earth, or the earths expansion is the universe.

But we have definitely been, misguided with the  billions of years of play, now we see us as individuals, as an ego moving on to ego. For that very reason, as an error in the mechanism of play, might be as a virus in the system we have been looking at our-self as something detached from the world, the nature and the universe itself. We take no time in looking at the universe and saying aren't I wonderful to be the part of this whole. Even if one does so, it comes out from the ego sense, its not a celebrative process and cosmic oneness.

We try to do all kind of nonsense, to comfort our-self.  The eagerness to seek for adventure in every human being, from dust to drugs, comes from the sense of "i am not this, sensation", and where-ever possible one tries to escape. You see for this reason, the process of love making has evolved to be so important for humans, it shows a peak where you are no-more the body, combined with the universal expansion, may be that comes for a fabric of second, but your unconscious realizes it, that there is something higher, that you are it.

Its amazing that only humans make love, that only human gets pleasure when in sex, for rest of the animal kingdom, sex is a very physical process, very biological but when it comes to human it takes a turn, its not only to create babies, now it becomes something more, it becomes a union, one feels something of the beyond. Why do you think that religions all over the world tries to make a human celibate, its because they feed on this ignorance, once you realize that its a glimpse of divine, whatever that means, then the drama gets down, now the system doesn't want it, and the system doesn't even realize that its the same act on the next side. Please be very sensitive and open when you are looking into what I am saying.

Why do people masturbate, all those humping and pumping, sweating yourself, all the effort, why ? Masturbation is like a drug, if one falls for it then he cant come out. There have been findings that a normal person of age 13, masturbates minimum 3 times a day which goes even to 25 times a day. It becomes a very cruel addiction. So why is this fascination ? You see, one finds a zone of peace and wants it again and again, that feel of emptiness. Its like drugs. Various drugs, gives a person glimpses of something beyond the metaphysical body, and that is a very ecstatic state. Once a person gets to that state then he wants more, even more and more. Now, masturbation is the natural drugs that a human has. And as I see its its a very addictive drug.

What I am trying to say is, we all know we are not bodies, but we all seem to pretend that we are just the body, made of ego, and that there can be no higher force, governing the law of physics, the law of nature. Now this is a very silly conclusion, its childish and ignorant. My friend, don't deceive yourself. J Krishnamurti, used to say you don't even need to put any effort trying to know the unknown, you just need to wake up and that's it. Then, why is so much of violence in us, of color, of creed, of religion, of countries. All this stuff are just the tool of boosting the ego, that I am the only civilized human, and all the other aren't. This "ego" is the core of all our problem. All the war games and religious fights, cruel metaphysical psychology, where does this all come from, THE EGO. My ego, your ego, religions ego, sciences ego, country's ego, ego all ego. And whats is its worth, absolutely nothing.

This hostility to life, is because of the only superstition is of Ego, that makes up the theory that you are not the one whom you are killing, that you are unique from the rest of the world, that you are civilized then others, and the ego is the detachment from the self, as you and as the universe. Now this begins from the very parenting, schooling, educating phenomena. The basic foundation of the whole humanity's structure is a ego game, its the root of the problem of generations. The constant pressure of trying to be something, trying to make something, trying to achieve something, trying to make a name. Now this game has cost, everyone of us, our life. We pretend to be something which we are not, some of us don't  even realize that this is all just a game within a game.

After all, we are all the same. Even for the sake of argument, we all originated from the very big bang, now that makes us the complicated living organism, but does that makes us any different from the distant star we look at the night sky. Even the realization of self seems to be a distant star for us. But we don't define our-self as the start, our terms are of the end, even we tend to forget that we after-all come from the womb, of a living body, yet we only see that the physical body is the truth nothing more and nothing less. That is our basic ignorance, that this me is the only me. But the truth always remain the truth, even if not the bang, you are the existence itself, you know it or not. You are the person who started it, who got started. You are your mother experiencing life, in varied consciousness. But that doesn't make you any different from your mother does it, and her mother, and it goes all the way back to the start, that all of us are the same universe experiencing the variance in numerous forms.

Its like a drop of water trying to explain that its not the ocean, even if its up above in the clouds, in the Himalayas in Nepal, in the Icebergs in Antarctica, in the Lake in Russia  in any rivers or waterfall, after all the drop is the part of the ocean, its the ocean. But it doesn't end just there, we all are the ocean, every organism, every life, every tree, even this blue and groovy plant exists because of the ocean, so doesn't that make us the drop of water. Even looking at it rationally, Darwinism proclaims that we out-of nowhere, some where in our distant past, poped out as tiny microscopic organism, and from that day on ward we have been evolving in varieties of ways, even this means that the caterpillar is me, evolved in a bit different attitude.

We are all the waves of universe. Now this is very hypnotic and orgasmic once witness it, feel it and know it. That you are the star exploding somewhere in the universe, that you are the volcano erupting in Saturn, that you are the beam of light moving from a star that already vanished billion of years ago. You see, You are magical as you are, and we all are. We all are magic stuff happening continuously around us. We just don't realize it. And it seems to be very true, that Buddha, when became enlightened said, that there was nothing to
know, everything was known, just the realization was missing.

You my friend are magical. And so is everyone else. Now, its for us to decide that the next generation that would come after us, would be leaded by this magnificent understanding or the same old game of ego. The whole face of humanity would change in one generation, you just need to play a realized part in this game. We need to clean our house, starting from our mind, the body and expanding through-out the universe.


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