Renaissance of Mind !

Humans have always been inclined toward the pathology of ideas, and thoughts. That's what makes us, different from the rest of animal kingdom, capable of processing thoughts and creating formulation of ideas.
Like a book is related to the reader, for his functions of mind to understand the certain frames of idea, to incline his thought process. On the other hand, Reader is related to the writer. The writer has the ideas, because there is someone on the other-side who is thinking about it. Nature works of this progression. And we need a very wise and holistic view to see all this natural geometry. So blaming a set of humans for being unnatural is irrelevant, because its what the nature is moving forth.

But the problem arises when we look clearly into the field of personal dynamics of mind and its conversation
and contextualizing to the whole world. We are singular consciousness living in a collective conscious web. So, natural, actually is a collective choices, of some strong webs. Being trapped in by words its very hard to explain how this mechanism actually works.  So what is this web? Its is a very long effort of few units of the world, as religion, ideas and politics, to make a human think that the thoughts that you have are yours, but in reality they are the deviations of ideologies and fragmentation given to you by the same order as a definitive  cultures and its co-domain. the society.

A 15th century poet would be thinking about swimming with a polar bear reading a classic poetry. That was his order of excitement. Which means that he had the freedom and free will to think, regardless of the chronological world he particularly is living on. Humans had freedom of imaginations. Which is very rare these days, even if our levels excitement and freedom is mechanized. Yet that level of happiness is just because of activation of particular hormone in body and brain. Happiness ultimately fails to lead to bliss, which explains why our world with all its development is so depressed.

Our functional education system in terms of government and various cultures seems to be injecting a destructive formation of ideas of living functional ecology of a human perception in-order not to let him, see delicacy of life. Which is un-parallel to everything ever known to him. That's why humans are never satisfied and, in a static level of peacefulness. When we look inside this worm hole, of classification, we see that problem arises as the imagination is made to be seen as irrelevant. So, we don't see the reason why art should be important to us, because it does not help us produce money.

So what is freedom that we search so much in the vernaculars of words?
Its the free anthropology of mind without a hint of any dogma and classification. For that we need a mind with the freedom of imagination which asks, a tree, how is it a tree, how does it interact, how does it learn, how does the mathematics of trees work, even if it seems to be very foolish question. Yet to learn the free processing of mind, to imagine and question life is very important. It important to ask oneself, how am I that who I am just now ? This particular breathing moment ?How does a thought thinks of a thought, how does this ecology of mind works !

Where life is not diverted by few luminous factors of the context, the words, and the instance of action. In-order to see that these fractions of unit whole combining into one particular singular dimensions of life means absolutely nothing, for the physical classification of the modern scientific human, ration minds.Yet, it changes the whole fundamentals of living.

We need to understand that, the five fingers, are just words of physical division, so take those words out and look, how the nature works in you, and as you. The nature decided when you were in the embryo that the relation between these five particular things called fingers, would be absolute number of fingers needed for the person to properly function in nature, so its the relationship with the nature that the fingers are five, when we say I have five fingers. Like hemoglobin, which has a distinct function in and to universe, through the mechanism of atom. Yet we wont know, how this is relative to the being and to the whole, as the process of universal metabolism. Like oxygen being oxygen in details of nature that makes a living being alive in the planet called Earth. Confronting these particular non relative realities, and questioning them of life as a whole, only can make a significant difference in the patterns of living.

The pathology of the system: how the relationship is formed in this deeply harmonized universe, and under a living causation principle is where any spiritual studies begins from. Now that's a bigger form for understanding the disaster of globalization, we have graded. We overlook to see that its all in the cosmic genetics, which we need to undertake and process. Look at it this way, You are the dance going right now in the native Indian tribe, or a drunk man who is sleeping in a roadside in some part of the world. This is the zoology of being. The system of self as an complete cycle that self accommodates in the society as a person. If we can only once feel this interconnections, all our world crisis will vanish.

So, in a mainframe structure of our studies we need to take a twist. The classification has to becomes interdisciplinary, forming something like cybernetics. So the modern man must be acquainted with stands of learning, every one must be a modern day Aristotle, where learning is life, not only pages and books. That's the way education system needs to mechanize itself, then only it becomes something relevant. But something  that makes a person tumbled in nonsensical whole of everything. A tangle of irrelevant ideas. Only the holistic education system can make a human evolve as a complete person. In simple, a parallel state should be understood where we can see that, a frog needs an insect and the insect needs the frog.

We need to restructure ourselves as the development of self epistemology, not as a vague field of philosophical nonsense but a very significant understanding of the convocation of a complete structure of life . So then epistemology gets birth as a study of knowledge, as self, not as a perception of inputs and outputs we see in a mechanical social structure of living-hood. So perception of human ideology goes for a process of filtration, where in the other end, is an free human mind, washed away from the nonsense of society and cultures of diversion. Does the understanding of truth and belief actually justify who we are in the deep roots of age old collective ego? In today's world, the whole debate of crisis is a planned illusion, an ugly differentiation of formation as economics and finance. When we look very closely its about few pockets. That's why it is very important for one to understand the self epistemology and question the authorities in a scientific and rational basis.

The realization of a human qualities must be of experience rather than something from our thought processes or education. Like a person climbing a mountain, that feel of life, must be in our everyday movements and structure. Which is enough for us to be aware of our self's as beings, not someone who is trying hard to live. And that starts from educating the mind in the universal way, externally and internally; a person not full of technical knowledge but an alive wisdom. A child free and wild in the processes of nature. An understanding where my anatomy of being is also similar to a whale's anatomy, because we are the process of one nature, not something ruling it.

We have seen the renaissance of culture, art, education and even civilization. Now we need one more renaissance, the renaissance of the mind. And it's a high time we start this phase for a more sensitive world. Or-else, the third world war is in just by the corner of our doorsteps.


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